Герб МГТУ им. Н.Э. БауманаНаучно-техническая библиотека МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана

Подробное описание документа

Syromiatnikov V.
   100 Stories about Docking and other Adventures in Space and on Earth / Syromiatnikov V. - Moscow : Universitetskaya kniga, 2005. - Кн. на англ. яз.
   Vol. 1 : Twenty Years back. - 2005. - 628 p. : ил. - ISBN 5-98699-014-5.

The book narrates about the lifetime job of its author in cosmonautics,his cooperation activity in astronautics and about many events in which he and his clouse colleagues were personally engaged. V.S.Syromiatnicov is a world-wide-known designer of mechanisms and systems for space technology.He joined the legendary OKB - 1(Design bureau No.1 led by S.P.Korolev,the founder of practical cosmonautics) in 1956, a year and a half before Sputnik was launched.Later he also took an active part in many domestic and international projects.Gradually Syromiatnikov became a leading designer and specialist in orbital docking on an international scale. Personal experiens, joint work and clouse interactions with many leading experts of Russian cosmonautics and international astronautics,as well as professional acquaintance with different sources of information, helped him to tell scores of stories about the evolution of spase projects from the very beginning to the current times.

629.7 Авиация и космонавтика. Летательные аппараты. Ракетная техника. Космическая техника
31 экз.
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