Герб МГТУ им. Н.Э. БауманаНаучно-техническая библиотека МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана

Подробное описание документа

   Industrial Policy of Russia and The Problems of Industrialism / Ctate Committee for the Industrial Policy of the Russian Federation Analytical Center on Science and Industrial Policy ; composed by Kara-Murza S. G. ; ed. Shurchkov I. O., Piskunov D. I. - Moscow : AO ICC RIA, 1994. - 250, 6 с. - Существует изд. на рус. яз. - ISBN 5-86767-004-X.

The present book constitutes а selection of analytical materials on different aspects of industrial ройсу from its philosophical and social substantiation to the problems of management of а particular industrial branch. Economic, technological, scientific, socio-psychological, ethnic aspects of industrial ройсу, issues of есопошу's globalization and national strategies, the control of technogenous risks and а new conception of technospherical security are subject to analysis.
The authors are speaking from different points of view and the content of chapters offers а wide choice of possible situations in industry. The implementation of these situations will depend on the choice of industrial policy. The Conception of Industrial Policy prepared by the State Committee on Industry is included ш the appendices.
The book is intended for specialists as well as other readers who are concerned about the fate of Russia. The book is also published in Russian.

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