Подробное описание документа
Физическая интерпретация теории относительности : XIII междунар. науч. конф. PIRT - 2007, Москва, 2-5 июля 2007 г. : труды / ред. Даффи М. С., Гладышев В. О., Морозов А. Н., Роуландс П. ; МГТУ им. Н. Э. Баумана, Каф. физики, Объединенное физ. о-во Российской Федерации, Рус. о-во гравитации, Британское о-во философии науки, Ливерпульский ун-т Великобритании S. C. & T., Ун-т Сандерленда Великобритании. - М. : Изд-во МГТУ им. Н. Э. Баумана, 2007. - 428 с. : ил. - Библиогр.
This volиme contains papers which accepted for inclusion in the programme of lectures of meeting "Physical Interpretation of Relativity Theory" which is organized Ьу the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, School of Computing and Technology, University of Sunderland, Liverpool University and British Society for Philosophy of Science.
The meeting is dedicated to the 175th Anniversary ofDepartment ofPhysics BMSTU.
The most important single objective of the meeting in Summer 2007 is including the advantages of the various physical, astrophysical, geometrical and mathematical interpretations of the formal structure of Relativity Тheory; and to examine the philosophical and epistemological questions associated with the various interpretations of the accepted mathematical expression of the Relativity Principle and its development.
The conference is called to examine the various interpretations of the (mathematical) formal structure of Relativity Theory, and the several kinds of physical and mathematical models which accompany these interpretations.
The programme timetable, giving authors and titles of papers as presented and other details of the Moscow Meeting "Physical Interpretation of Relativity Theory" are given оп the web site maintained Ьу the Baиman Moscow State Technical University
http://fn. bmstu.ru/phys/nov /konflpirt2007 Ipirt2007 _ en.html.
The meeting is intended to Ье of interest to physicists, mathematicians, engineers, philosophers and historians of science, post-graduate students.
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