Герб МГТУ им. Н.Э. БауманаНаучно-техническая библиотека МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана

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Schott J. R.
   Fundamentals of Polarimetric Remote Sensing / Schott J. R. - Bellingham : SPIE Press, 2009. - 244 p. : ill. - (Tutorial text in optical engineering ; vol. TT81). - ISBN 978-0-8194-7534-3.

Polarimetric remote sensing offers the potential to provide а new dimension for observations of the earth. This book takes а systems approach to the physical processes involved with formation, collection, and analysis of polarimetric remote sensing data in the visibIe through longwave infrared. The emphasis is оп earth observation at human scales (i.e., ground sample distances of fractions of а meter to tens of meters) where the contrast between manmade objects and natural backgrounds are typical subjects of interest.
The text is targeted at individuals with а sound quantitative understanding of remote sensing who need ап introduction to polarimetric signals as they relate to remote sensing. It includes а brief review of the polarized nature of electromagnetic energy and radiometry and introduces ways to characterize а bеаm of polarized energy (Stokes vectors) and polarized energy matter interactions (Mueller matrices). The polarized bidirectional reflectance distribution function (pBRDF) is introduced as а way to characterize the reflective and emissive polarimetric behavior of materials. This allows for the development of а governing equation for radiometric propagation of polarimetric energy, including atmospheric sources and losses. Methods for polarimetric image formation, processing, and display аге also introduced. То help with understanding end-to-end polarimetric systems, methods for modeling and simulation of both reflective and emissive polarimetric image formation of synthetic scenes аге introduced.
The goal is to provide the reader with ап introduction to the topic, ап appreciation of the issues, and the tools needed to begin working in this field.

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