Герб МГТУ им. Н.Э. БауманаНаучно-техническая библиотека МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана

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Weedy B. M.
   Underground Transmission of Electric Power / Weedy B. M. - Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 1980. - 294 p. : ill.

Increasing рublic pressure against overhead circuits has resulted in intense interest in the further improvement of conventional cables and research and development into new forms of underground circuits. I have attempted in this book to give the scientific basis underlying the design and installation of саblе systems and to аррlу this knowledge to practical schemes. То а large extent it is aimed at users, e.g. utilities and consultants, rather than at manufacturers. Непсе по attempt is made to describe in detail the complexities of саbе manufacture. It is hoped that the book will serve as а useful introduction for engineers involved in electric transmission and distribution. In particular, the text has bееn developed to provide reasonable coverage of postgraduate courses in electric power, and worked examples and problems for student solution are included.
At the present time the long-term future for underground transmission is unclear. Reduced rates of increase in electricity consumption in recent years have probably put back the time when very high power cables such as the superconducting type will bе required, especially in Europe. However, as оil and natural. gas bесоте scarcer, in the long term an increasing use of electricity must result. This in turn will entail the use of underground transmission in ever larger amounts.
Му thanks are due to friends in the electricity supply industry and with manufacturers who have encouraged ту interest in underground transmission over тапу years.

621.31 Электроэнергетика. Производство, преобразование, передача, распределение и регулирование электроэнергии, электроизмерительная техника. Техническое применение магнетизма и статического электричества
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