Подробное описание документа
Volchek A. A.
Synthesis of BaF2-ErF3 Solid Solutions / Volchek A. A. // Наука, технологии и бизнес : материалы 6-ой Межвузовской конференции аспирантов, соискателей и молодых учёных, Москва, 16-18 апреля 2024 года / МГТУ им. Н. Э. Баумана (национальный исследовательский университет). - М., 2024. -
The article focuses on the synthesis of a fluorite solid solution based on barium fluoride doped with erbium fluoride. High synthesis temperature and a long sintering time are the problem to obtain solid solutions based on barium fluoride. We propose a fast method for the fluorite structures synthesis. The substances were obtained by solid-phase synthesis. According to X-ray phase analysis, solid solutions with a fluorite structure were obtained during the synthesis process. The research results can be applied for energy converters.
Keywords: solid solution, barium fluoride, erbiun fluoride solid-phase synthesis, X-ray diffraction
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