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Pirogova A. D.
Search for Parameters of the Time-Optimal Model / Pirogova A. D., Chetverikov V. N. // Наука, технологии и бизнес : материалы 6-ой Межвузовской конференции аспирантов, соискателей и молодых учёных, Москва, 16-18 апреля 2024 года / МГТУ им. Н. Э. Баумана (национальный исследовательский университет). - М., 2024. -
The paper poses the problem of optimal selection of parameters of a controllable system. Movement time is considered as an optimality criterion. To compare models, the mathematical expectation of the square of the velocity modulus is used under the assumption of randomness of the motion trajectory. As an example, a very simplified model of an underwater vehicle is considered. The optimal locations for propeller-driven units have been found. A set of random trajectories is constructed and the minimum movement time along these trajectories is calculated for different parameter values. The effectiveness of the presented solution has been proven.
Keywords: underwater vehicle, extremal problem, searching for parameters
004 Информационные технологии. Вычислительная техника. Теория, технология и применения вычислительных машин и систем.