Подробное описание документа
The Effect of Low Frequency Vibroacoustic Exposure on the State and Biologically Active Properties of Iodinol / Khaladzhan E. A., Bogatov N. A., Savina A. S., Pentyukhin E. I. // Наука, технологии и бизнес : материалы 6-ой Межвузовской конференции аспирантов, соискателей и молодых учёных, Москва, 16-18 апреля 2024 года / МГТУ им. Н. Э. Баумана (национальный исследовательский университет). - М., 2024. -
The article deals with the effect of low-frequency vibro-acoustic exposure on the clathrate structure of the medical drug Iodinol. We experimentally studied the effect of the vibroacoustic field on the state of the system in the frequency range from 10 to 195 Hz. The effect of declaring a compound in the field of vibroacoustic action has been detected. The maximum intensity of the process corresponds was defined. We also found a change in the biological activity of Iodinol by microbiological analysis. It was established that the magnitude of the change in the antimicrobial properties of the drug depends not only on the tolerability of the test strain of the microorganism used, but also on the duration of exposure to a low frequency vibroacoustic field on a medical preparation.
Keywords: low frequency exposure, Iodinol, sonochemistry, infrasound, vibroacoustic exposure, bactericidal properties
520.6.07 на космических летательных аппаратах (КЛА)