Подробное описание документа
Cherkasova M. S.
The results of Modeling the Elastic-Plastic Properties of Layered Composites Based on the Theory of Plastic Flow / Cherkasova M. S. // Наука, технологии и бизнес : материалы 6-ой Межвузовской конференции аспирантов, соискателей и молодых учёных, Москва, 16-18 апреля 2024 года / МГТУ им. Н. Э. Баумана (национальный исследовательский университет). - М., 2024. -
The paper presents the developed model of deformation of layered elastic-plastic composite materials, each layer of which obeys the theory of flow with different plasticity surfaces. The effective elastic-plastic determining relations of the layered composite for both numerical and analytical solutions are constructed. Examples of calculations of effective deformation diagrams of elastic-plastic composite with steel and aluminum layers are given. The elastic-plastic constants of the composite are obtained.
Keywords: composite material, layered composites, plastic flow theory, periodicity cell, effective constitutive relations, deformation diagrams, strain rate tensor
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