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Тип публикации Авторы Заглавие Издание, год, номер, страницы
Статья в журнале Zarubin V. S. МГТУ
Zimin V. N. МГТУ
Kuvyrkin G. N. МГТУ
Savel’eva I. Yu. МГТУ
Dual variational model of the temperature state of the disk of a unipolar generator Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics
2022 .- Vol. 63 , Issue 1 .- С. 96 - 103
Статья в журнале Zarubin V. S. МГТУ
Kuvyrkin G. N. МГТУ
Savel’eva I. Yu. МГТУ
Dual variational formulation of the electrostatic problem in an inhomogeneous anisotropic dielectric Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin
2017 .- Vol. 72 , Issue 3 .- С. 94 - 101
Статья в журнале Zarubin V. S. МГТУ
Kuvyrkin G. N. МГТУ
Savel’eva I. Yu. МГТУ
Distribution of Temperature and Electric Field Intensity in a Cylindrical Layer of Polymer Dielectric Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics
2022 .- Vol. 95 , Issue 5 .- С. 1108 - 1117
Материал конференции Zarubin V. S. МГТУ
Sergeeva E. S. МГТУ
Dependence of equivalent thermal conductivity coefficients of single-wall carbon nanotubes on their chirality Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2018 .- Vol. 991 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012080
Статья в журнале Zarubin V. S. МГТУ
Sergeeva E. S. МГТУ
Dependence of equivalent thermal conductivity coefficients of single-wall carbon nanotubes on their chirality Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2018 .- Vol. 991 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012080
Статья в журнале Zarubin V. S. МГТУ
Zimin A. M. МГТУ
Kuvyrkin G. N. МГТУ
Deformation of the Shell of the Cylindrical Cryogenic Tank during its Filling Russian Aeronautics
2019 .- Vol. 62 , Issue 3 .- С. 364 - 372
Статья в журнале Zarubin V. S. МГТУ
Kuvyrkin G. N. МГТУ
Savel’eva I. Yu. МГТУ
Critical and Optimal Thicknesses of Thermal Insulation in Radiative-Convective Heat Transfer High Temperature
2016 .- Vol. 54 , Issue 6 .- С. 831 - 836
Статья в журнале Zarubin V. S. МГТУ
Sergeeva E. S. МГТУ
Application of Mathematical Modeling to Determine the Thermoelastic Characteristics of Nano-Reinforced Composites Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations
2018 .- Vol. 10 , Issue 3 .- С. 288 - 298
Материал конференции Zarubin V. S. МГТУ
Leonov V. V. МГТУ
Zarubin V. S. МГТУ
Anisotropic heat-shielding materials: Prospects for application in the re-entry module heat shield Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC
2020 .- Art.no x58797
Статья в журнале Zarubin V. S. МГТУ
Zimin V. N. МГТУ
Leonov V. V. МГТУ
Zarubin V. S. МГТУ
Analysis of Thermal Protection Using an Anisotropic Material During the Return Capsule Descent Solar System Research
2022 .- Vol. 56 , Issue 7 .- С. 527 - 536
Статья в журнале Zarubin V. S. МГТУ
Kuvyrkin G. N. МГТУ
Savelyeva I. Yu. МГТУ
A variation model of thermal breakdown of a high-voltage DC cable electrical insulation Russian Electrical Engineering
2020 .- Vol. 91 , Issue 4 .- С. 279 - 285
Статья в журнале Zaripova A.
Pasiukova O.
Olshvang O. Y. МГТУ
Zhumasheva A.
Pogozheva Е.
Gorokhova A.
Development of speaking skills through the use of a thematic dictionary for german and russian language students Revista Conrado
2023 .- Vol. 19 , Issue S2 .- С. 370 - 375
Статья в журнале Zarandi Somayeh Bagherinejad
Wang Yun-Che
Novozhilova O. V. МГТУ
Plastic behavior of circular discs with temperature-dependent properties containing an elastic inclusion Structural Engineering and Mechanics
2016 .- Vol. 58 , Issue 4 .- С. 731 - 743
Материал конференции Zaporozhets I. МГТУ
Kalugina M МГТУ
Mukhlaeva A МГТУ
Isaev N. МГТУ
Protopopov A. A. МГТУ
Simulation of regenerative pump performing on multiphase mixture IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
2020 .- Vol. 820 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012041
Статья в журнале Zaliznyuk A. N.
Karutin S. N. МГТУ
Mitrikas V. V.
Skakun I. O.
GLONASS-Aided High-Precision Navigation of Space Geodetic Systems Gyroscopy and Navigation
2019 .- № 10(4) .- С. 196 - 205
Статья в журнале Zakirova E. S. МГТУ
Samorodova E. A.
Kobylarek A.
Analysis of Lexico-semantic and Stylistic Means of Expressing Verb Tense in Russian and English XLinguae
2022 .- Vol. 15 , Issue 3 .- С. 86 - 97
Статья в журнале Zakhvatkin M. V.
Andrianov A. S.
Avdeev V. Y.
Litvinov D. A. МГТУ
et al.
RadioAstron orbit determination and evaluation of its results using correlation of space-VLBI observations Advances in Space Research
2020 .- Vol. 65 , Issue 2 .- С. 798 - 812
Материал конференции Zakharova D. V. МГТУ
Lok’yaeva Z. A. МГТУ
Pavlov A. A.
Polezhaev A. V. МГТУ
New chain extenders for self-healing polymers Key Engineering Materials
2021 .- Vol. 899 KEM .- С. 628 - 637
Статья в журнале Zakharov V. Yu. МГТУ
Chernova T. G. МГТУ
On the Hall Instability in Protostellar Disks Astronomy Letters
2021 .- Vol. 47 , Issue 8 .- С. 581 - 585
Статья в журнале Zakharov V. Y. МГТУ
Volkov V. A.
Ivanova A. N.
Velmozhko I. N.
Chirikova O. B.
The optimality of the option of abolishing serfdom in Russia,implemented in 1861 Amazonia Investiga
2021 .- Vol. 10 , Issue 46 .- С. 20 - 31
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