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Тип публикации Авторы Заглавие Издание, год, номер, страницы
Материал конференции Baburin A. S. МГТУ
Lotkov E. S. МГТУ
Sergeev E. V. МГТУ
Andronic M. МГТУ
Baklykov D. A. МГТУ
Stukalova V. E. МГТУ
Buzaverov K. A. МГТУ
Avdeev S. S. МГТУ
Ryzhikov I. A. МГТУ
Dyakonov I. V.
Skryabin N.
Saygin M. Yu.
Tunable low-loss silicon nitride integrated circuits 2022 International Conference Laser Optics, ICLO 2022 - Proceedingss
Статья в журнале Komarov K. A. МГТУ
Kryuchkov N. P. МГТУ
Yurchenko S. O. МГТУ
Tunable interactions between particles in conically rotating electric fields Soft Matter
2018 .- Vol. 14 , Issue 47 .- С. 9657 - 9674
Статья в журнале Frolov M. P.
Korostelin Y. V.
Kozlovsky V. I.
Leonov S. O. МГТУ
Skasyrsky Y. K.
Tunable in the range of 4.5-6.8 μm room temperature single-crystal Fe:CdTe laser pumped by Fe:ZnSe laser Optics Express
2020 .- Vol. 28 , Issue 12 .- С. 17449 - 17456
Статья в журнале Frolov M. P.
Korostelin Yu. V.
Kozlovsky V. I.
Leonov S. O. МГТУ
Skasyrsky Yan K.
Tunable in the range of 4.5-6.8 µm room temperature single-crystal Fe:CdTe laser pumped by Fe:ZnSe laser Optics Express
2020 .- Vol. 28 , Issue 12 .- С. 174499 - 174566
Материал конференции Zhirnov A. A. МГТУ
Pnev A. B. МГТУ
Karasik V. E. МГТУ
Stepanov K. V. МГТУ
Koshelev K. I. МГТУ
Shelestov D. A. МГТУ
Svelto C.
Tunable Discrete-Cavity Solid-State Laser For Phase-Sensitive OTDR Proceedings - International Conference Laser Optics 2018, ICLO 2018
2018 .- С. 31 .- Art.no 8435405
Материал конференции Yakovlev E. V. МГТУ
Ovcharov P. V. МГТУ
Yurchenko S. O. МГТУ
"Tunable colloids": Experimental complex for studying generic phenomena in classical condensed matter Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2018 .- Vol. 1135 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012039
Материал конференции Leonov S. O. МГТУ
Frolov M. P.
Korostelin Y. V.
Skasyrsky Y. K.
Kozlovsky V. I.
Tunable Bound Solitons Generation in a SESAM Mode-Locked Cr:ZnSe Laser Advanced Solid State Lasers - Proceedings Laser Congress 2019
Статья в журнале Batshev V. I. МГТУ
Machikhin A. S.
Kozlov A. B.
Boritko S. V.
Sharikova M. O. МГТУ
Karandin A. V.
Pozhar V. E. МГТУ
Lomonov V. A.
Tunable Acousto-Optic Filter for the 450–900 and 900–1700 nm Spectral Range Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics
2020 .- Vol. 65 , Issue 7 .- С. 800 - 805
Материал конференции Kabantseva V. E. МГТУ
Safonov M. D. МГТУ
Plokhikh A. I. МГТУ
tudy of thermal expansion anomalies of multilayer steel materials at high temperatures IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
2019 .- Vol. 683 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012047
Статья в журнале Budunova K. A. МГТУ
Kravchenko V. F. МГТУ
Pustovoit V. I. МГТУ
Truncation Error Bound for the Kravchenko–Kotelnikov Series Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics
2018 .- Vol. 63 , Issue 9 .- С. 998 - 1004
Статья в журнале Mikheev R. S. МГТУ
Kobernik N. V. МГТУ
Kalashnikov I. E.
Bolotova L. K.
Kobeleva L. I.
Tribotechnical properties of antifriction coatings based on composite materials Inorganic Materials: Applied Research
2015 .- Vol. 6 , Issue 5 .- С. 493 - 497
Статья в журнале Nosko A. L. МГТУ
Tarasiuk W.
Sharifullin I. A. МГТУ
Safronov E. V. МГТУ
Tribotechnical and Ecological Evaluation of Friction Pairs of Brake Devices in Lifting and Transport Machines Journal of Friction and Wear
2020 .- Vol. 41 , Issue 4 .- С. 347 - 353
Статья в журнале Kobernik N. V. МГТУ
Mikheev R. S. МГТУ
Kalashnikov I. E.,
Kobeleva L. I.,
Bolotova L. K
Tribological properties of Babbitt alloy coatings modified with carbon nanotubes Inorganic Materials: Applied Research
2017 .- Vol. 8 , Issue 3 .- С. 428 - 433
Статья в журнале Buyanovskii I. A. МГТУ
Lashkhi V. L.
Samusenko V. D.
Dotsenko A. I.
Tribological characteristics of calcium sulfonates as detergents for engine oils Journal of Friction and Wear
2017 .- Vol. 38 , Issue 2 .- С. 115 - 120
Статья в журнале Rusanov A. V. МГТУ
Nevshupa R. A. МГТУ
Martin J. -M.
Garrido M. Á.
Roman E.
Tribochemistry of hydrogenated amorphous carbon through analysis of mechanically stimulated gas emission Diamond and Related Materials
2015 .- Vol. 55 , No 5 .- С. 32 - 40
Статья в журнале Gusev A.
Kiskin M.
Lutsenko I.
Svetogorov R.
Veber S.
Minakova O.
Korshunov V. M. МГТУ
Taydakov I.
Linert W.
Triazole-based lanthanide(III) adducts: Photo- and thermochromic luminescence Journal of Luminescence
2021 .- Vol. 238 .- Art.no 118305
Статья в журнале Chernega V. N.
Man’ko O. V. МГТУ
Man’ko V. I.
Triangle Geometry of the Qubit State in the Probability Representation Expressed in Terms of the Triada of Malevich’s Squares Journal of Russian Laser Research
2017 .- Vol. 38 , Issue 2 .- С. 141 - 149
Статья в журнале Chernega V. N.
Man’ko O. V. МГТУ
Man’ko V. I.
Triangle Geometry for Qutrit States in the Probability Representation Journal of Russian Laser Research
2017 .- Vol. 38 , Issue 5 .- С. 416 - 425
Статья в журнале Dudnik O.
Vasiljev M.
Kuznetsov N.
Podzorova M. I. МГТУ
Nikolaeva I.
Vatutina L.
Khomenko E.
Ivleva M.
Trends, impacts, and prospects for implementing artificial intelligence technologies in the energy industry: The implication of open innovation Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity
2021 .- Vol. 7 , Issue 2 .- Art.no 155
Материал конференции Vlasov Andrey I. МГТУ
Kurnosenko A. E. МГТУ
Juravleva L. V. МГТУ
Lysenko O. A.
Trend Analysis in the Development of Factories of the Future, Taking into Account Digital Transformation of Active Systems ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
2021 .- Art.no 3490881
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