Поиск публикаций
Тип публикации | Авторы | Заглавие▼ | Издание, год, номер, страницы |
Материал конференции |
Moiseeva E. M. МГТУ
Tatarinov V. V. МГТУ Dutov A. S. МГТУ |
Tree of scenarios for the 2011 accident at the first power unit of the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science |
Материал конференции |
Kulakov B. B. МГТУ
Kulakov D. B. МГТУ |
Travelling salesman problem concerning to manipulator Kawasaki FS03N trajectory formation |
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Vol. 589
Issue 1
Статья в журнале |
Markov P. V. МГТУ
Solonin V. I. МГТУ |
Transverse Transport and Heat Transfer in Smooth VVER Fuel-Rod Bundle with Cellular Spacer Grid | Atomic Energy |
Материал конференции |
Nesterov S. V.
Baidulov V. G. МГТУ |
Transverse Oscillations of a Cantilever Rod of Rectangular Cross Section and Variable Thickness |
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Vol. 1301
Issue 1
1 - 6
.- Art.no 012023
Материал конференции |
Gerzhik A. МГТУ
Kobelev A. V. МГТУ Luzhnov P. V. МГТУ Volkov A. K. МГТУ |
Transthoracic Electrical Impedance Test Signal Generation and Potential Use of Optocoupler |
Proceedings - 2021 Ural Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, Radioelectronics and Information Technology, USBEREIT 2021
102 - 105
.- Art.no 9454988
Материал конференции |
Vasilkov D. G. МГТУ
Grebenshchikov S. E. Grishina I. A. Ivanov V. A. Meshcheryakov A. I. Petrova M. N. МГТУ Kharchev N. K. |
Transport transitions at high electron cyclotron resonance heating powers at the L-2M stellarator | Journal of Physics: Conference Series |
Материал конференции |
Alekseeva A.
Laamarti Y. Kozlov V. Ivanova Y. S. МГТУ et al. |
Transport security in the structure of Russia's national security: New modern challenges |
Transportation Research Procedia
Vol. 63
2301 - 2307
Статья в журнале |
Kostyrin E. V. МГТУ
Bagdasaryan N. G. МГТУ |
Transport platform stabilization mechanism using controlled suspension | HighTech and Innovation Journal |
Материал конференции |
Zemtsov I. A. МГТУ
Krupin V. A. Nurgaliev M. R. Klyuchnikov L. A. Nemets A. R. et al |
Transport of Li andW impurities and their influence on discharge parameters of the T-10 tokamak |
45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics
1236 - 1239
Материал конференции |
Kovalev M. S. МГТУ
Odinokov S. B. МГТУ Betin A. Yu. Drozdova E. A. МГТУ Stsepuro N. G. МГТУ |
Transparent computer generated Fourier holograms for optical display and sighting system |
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
Vol. 10818
.- Art.no 108180P
DOI: 10.1117/12.2501161
Статья в журнале |
Gorelik V. S. МГТУ
Sverbil P. P. Filatov V. V. МГТУ Bi D. МГТУ Guang TaoFei Shao HuiXu |
Transmission spectra of one-dimensional porous alumina photonic crystals |
Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications
Vol. 32
6 - 10
Статья в журнале |
Gorelik V. S. МГТУ
Yashin M. M. МГТУ Bi D. МГТУ Fei G. T. МГТУ |
Transmission Spectra and Optical Properties of a Mesoporous Photonic Crystal Based on Anodic Aluminum Oxide | Optics and Spectroscopy |
Статья в журнале |
Kuznetsov V. V. МГТУ
Andreev V. V. МГТУ |
Transmission Line Pulse Setup for Electrostatic Discharge Robustness Testing of the Semiconductor Devices |
Instruments and Experimental Techniques
Vol. 67
268 - 273
Материал конференции |
Murashov M. V. МГТУ
Transient thermal contact in gyro unit–platform assembly |
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Vol. 630
Issue 1
.- Art.no 0 012021
Статья в журнале |
Mironov R. A.
Zabezhailov M. O. Cherepanov V. V. Rusin M. Yu. МГТУ |
Transient radiative-conductive heat transfer modeling in constructional semitransparent silica ceramics |
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Vol. 127
1230 - 1238
Статья в журнале |
Navasardyan E. S. МГТУ
Arkharov I. A. МГТУ Mokhov K. V. МГТУ |
Transient processes in air separation plants | Chemical and Petroleum Engineering |
Статья в журнале |
Khalutornykh O. N. МГТУ
Transhumanism as a utopian ideal of the future | Человек. Общество. Наука |
Статья в журнале |
Polyanin A. D. МГТУ
Transformations, properties, and exact solutions of nonstationary axisymmetric boundary-layer equations | Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering |
Статья в журнале |
Kudryashov S. I.
Danilov P. A. Sdvizhenskii P. A. Lednev V. N. Chen J. Ostrikov S. A. МГТУ Kuzmin E. V. Kovalev M. S. МГТУ Levchenko A. O. |
Transformations of the Spectrum of an Optical Phonon Excited in Raman Scattering in the Bulk of Diamond by Ultrashort Laser Pulses with a Variable Duration |
JETP Letters
Vol. 115
Issue 5
251 - 255
Статья в журнале |
Mikheev Yu. A.
Guseva L. N. Ershov Yu. A. МГТУ |
Transformations of methyl orange dimers in aqueous–acid solutions, according to UV–Vis spectroscopy data | Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A |