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Всего: 56931 Страница: <<<303132333435363738>>>
Тип публикации Авторы Заглавие Издание, год, номер, страницы
Статья в журнале Vorontsov A. L. МГТУ
Theoretical aspects of technological mechanics: 1. Fundamentals of continuum mechanics Russian Engineering Research
2013 .- Vol. 33 , Issue 4 .- С. 206 - 210
Статья в журнале Iljashenko A. V.
Kuznetsov S. V. МГТУ
Theoretical Aspects of Applying Love and SH-Waves to Nondestructive Testing of Stratified Media Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing
2017 .- Vol. 53 , Issue 9 .- С. 597 - 603
Статья в журнале Ilyashenko A. V.
Kuznetsov S. V. МГТУ
Theoretical Aspects of Applying Lamb Waves in Nondestructive Testing of Anisotropic Media Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing
2017 .- Vol. 53 , Issue 4 .- С. 243 - 259
Материал конференции Terenteva A. D. МГТУ
Theoretical Approaches for Accuracy Parameters Estimation of Open Kinematical Chains of Construction Machines Work on Astronomical Objects ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
2021 .- С. 27 - 31
Статья в журнале Ayrapetyan M. S.
Feshina S. S.
Slavyanov A. S. МГТУ
Theoretical and methodological approaches to the formation of anti-crisis economic policy International Journal of Professional Science
2019 .- № 11 .- С. 144 - 148
Материал конференции Bykov N. V. МГТУ
Tovarnov M. S. МГТУ
Theoretical and experimental study of the "hydrodynamic" effect in laboratory ballistic launchers Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2019 .- Vol. 1400 , Issue 7 .- Art.no 077023
Статья в журнале Vinogradov V. V.
Tyazhel’nikova I. L.
Vinogradova E. P.
Esenbekov V. S. МГТУ
Theoretical analysis of the possibility of controlling the solidification conditions in a continuously cast ingot Russian Metallurgy (Metally)
2014 .- Issue 7 .- С. 516 - 520
Статья в журнале Ryzhii V. I. МГТУ
Otsuji T.
Ryzhii M
Leiman V. G.
Maltsev P. P.
Karasik V. E. МГТУ
Mitin V.
Shur M. S.
Theoretical analysis of injection driven thermal light emitters based on graphene encapsulated by hexagonal boron nitride Optical Materials Express
2021 .- Vol. 11 , Issue 1 .- С. 468 - 486
Материал конференции Bozhko A. N. МГТУ
Theoretic-Lattice Approach To Computer Aided Generation Of Assembly Units 2018 International Russian Automation Conference, RusAutoCon 2018
Статья в журнале Kolosov M. A. МГТУ
Theorem of Ideal Cycles of Refrigerating Machines Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
2016 .- Vol. 51 , Issue 9 .- С. 674 - 682
Статья в журнале Dermer P. B. МГТУ
Varaksin A. Yu. МГТУ
Leont’ev A. I. МГТУ
The wall-free non-stationary fire whirls generation by axisymmetric burning of solid fuel pellets International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
2017 .- Vol. 110 .- С. 890 - 897
Статья в журнале Marchevsky I. K. МГТУ
Sokol K.
Ryatina E.
Izmailova Y.
The VM2D Open Source Code for Two-Dimensional Incompressible Flow Simulation by Using Fully Lagrangian Vortex Particle Methods Axioms
2023 .- Vol. 12 , Issue 3 .- Art.no 248
Материал конференции Kuzmina K. S. МГТУ
Marchevsky I. K. МГТУ
Ryatina E. P. МГТУ
The VM2D Open Source Code for Incompressible Flow Simulation by Using Meshless Lagrangian Vortex Methods on CPU and GPU Proceedings - 2019 Ivannikov Memorial Workshop, IVMEM 2019
2019 .- С. 86 - 92 .- Art.no 8880756
Материал конференции Mogiljuk Zh. G.
Poduval’tsev V. V. МГТУ
The vibroacoustic analogies method IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
2020 .- Vol. 918 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012007
Материал конференции Al-Harosh M. B. МГТУ
Shchukin S. I. МГТУ
The Venous Occlusion Effect To Increase The Accuracy Of Electrical Impedance Peripheral Veins Detection IFMBE Proceedings
2018 .- Vol. 65 : Joint Conference of the European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference, EMBEC 2017 and Nordic-Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics, NBC 2107 .- С. 538 - 541
Статья в журнале Zarubin V. S. МГТУ
Kuvyrkin G. N. МГТУ
Savel’eva I. Yu. МГТУ
The Variational Form of the Mathematical Model of a Thermal Explosion in a Solid Body with Temperature-Dependent Thermal Conductivity High Temperature
2018 .- Vol. 56 , Issue 2 .- С. 223 - 228
Статья в журнале Zarubin V. S. МГТУ
Kuvyrkin G. N. МГТУ
Savel’eva I. Yu. МГТУ
The variational approach to estimation of the dielectric permittivity of a unidirectional fibrous composite Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin
2017 .- Vol. 72 , Issue 1 .- С. 1 - 9
Материал конференции Kolpakov V. I. МГТУ
Kudyukov N A МГТУ
Ladov S. V. МГТУ
Nikolskaya Ya M. МГТУ
Fedorov S. V. МГТУ
The using of the shaped charges for destruction of ice cover IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
2018 .- Vol. 193 : The Fifth All-Russian Conference with International Participation POLAR MECHANICS 9–11 October 2018, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation .- Art.no 012039
Статья в журнале Mogilner L. Yu. МГТУ
Smorodinsky Ya. G.
Tishkin V. V.
The use of volumetric reflectors for adjusting ultrasonic testing parameters Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing
2024 .- Vol. 60 , Issue 10 .- С. 1107 - 1118
Материал конференции Myrzakhmetov A МГТУ
Akinfiev A МГТУ
The use of various types of circulation in the design of excavator hydraulic drive IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
2020 .- Vol. 779 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012001
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