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Тип публикации Авторы Заглавие Издание, год, номер, страницы
Материал конференции Zyubin I
Pankratov S.
Petrov A. I. МГТУ
Babikova D МГТУ
The Use of Variable Frequency Drives of Centrifugal Pumps atthe Pumping Station IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
2020 .- Vol. 779 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012008
Статья в журнале Elapov A. A. МГТУ
Kuznetsov N. N. МГТУ
Marakhova Anna I.
The Use of Ultrasound in the Extraction of Biologically Active Compounds from Plant Raw Materials, Used or promising for Use in Medicine (Review) Drug Development and Registration
2021 .- Vol. 10 , Issue 4 .- С. 96 - 116
Статья в журнале Gordienko E. S. МГТУ
Ivashkin V. V. МГТУ
The use of three-impulse transfer to insert the spacecraft into the high Moon Artificial Satellite orbits Cosmic Research
2017 .- Vol. 55 , Issue 3 .- С. 196 - 206
Статья в журнале Polyudov N. A. МГТУ
Komarovskii Yu. A. МГТУ
Samorodova E. A. МГТУ
Kairolla B. K. МГТУ
Wang J. Y. МГТУ
The use of the internet of things to ensure the smooth operation of network functions in fintech Экономика: вчера, сегодня, завтра
2023 .- Т. 13 , № 6-1 .- С. 645 - 655
Статья в журнале Turtin D. V.
Stepovich M. A.
Kalmanovich V. V.
Seregina E. V. МГТУ
The Use of the Hankel Transform to Solve Nonstationary Diffusion Problem Journal of Mathematical Sciences (United States)
2021 .- Vol. 255 , Issue 6 .- С. 773 - 778
Статья в журнале Zubov N. E. МГТУ
Mikrin E. A. МГТУ
Misrikhanov M. Sh.
Ryabchenko V. N.
Timakov S. N.
The Use of the Exact Pole Placement Algorithm for the Control of Spacecraft Motion Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International
2013 .- Т. 52 , № 3 .- С. 129 - 144
Материал конференции Trunov P. V.
Fadeeva E. V. МГТУ
Gavrilenko A. B.
The use of technical vision in the robotic cash counting area Proceedings of the 3rd 2021 International Youth Conference on Radio Electronics, Electrical and Power Engineering, REEPE 2021
2021 .- Art.no 9388043
Материал конференции Okunev V. S. МГТУ
The use of system analysis methods for the optimal choice of coolant for high-power fast reactor AIP Conference Proceedings
2022 .- Vol. 2383 .- Art.no 050003
Статья в журнале Azarova O. A.
Kravchenko O. V. МГТУ
The Use of Spatially Multi-Component Plasma Structures and Combined Energy Deposition for High-Speed Flow Control: A Selective Review Energies
2024 .- Vol. 17 , Issue 7 .- Art.no 1632
Статья в журнале Vintaykin I. B. МГТУ
Golyak Igor S. МГТУ
Golyak Ilya S. МГТУ
Esakov A. A. МГТУ
Morozov A. N. МГТУ
Tabalin S. E. МГТУ
The Use of Raman Spectroscopy for the Rapid Analysis of Chemical Compounds Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B
2020 .- Vol. 14 , Issue 5 .- С. 752 - 759
Материал конференции Krasovsky A. B. МГТУ
Vasyukov S. A. МГТУ
Murzin I. МГТУ
The Use of Power Line Communication Technology for Electronic Relays of Car Alarms 2019 International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Applications and Manufacturing (ICIEAM)
Материал конференции Iljukhin S. N. МГТУ
Koryanov V. V. МГТУ
Moskalenko V. O. МГТУ
Toporkov A. G. МГТУ
The Use of Numerical Modeling for the Formation of Recommendations for Conducting Experiments on Ballistic Tracks Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
2022 Спец.выпуск Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Mechanical, System and Control Engineering, ICMSC 2021
Материал конференции Konnova N. S. МГТУ
Safina A. МГТУ
The Use of Neural Network Methods and Atomic Functions in the Problem of Biometric Authentication by ECG CEUR Workshop Proceedings
2021 .- Vol. 3035 .- С. 51 - 58
Материал конференции Malakhov A. A. МГТУ
Mishchenko A. V. МГТУ
Fashchevskiy N. N. МГТУ
The use of modern information technologies applying in implementing course and diploma projects by students in the specialty in “devices and systems of orientation, stabilization and navigation” AIP Conference Proceedings
2019 .- Vol. 2195 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 020023
Материал конференции Zakharov A. A. МГТУ
Zakharova Yu. V. МГТУ
The use of modern computer technologies in the study of the Geometric Modeling course Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2022 .- Vol. 2308 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012007
Материал конференции Kunyaeva M. Y. МГТУ
Zorina A. A. МГТУ
The use of internet resources to increase students’ motivation for foreign language learning and developing listening and speaking skills AIP Conference Proceedings
2023 .- Vol. 2549 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 130012
Материал конференции Koryanov V. V. МГТУ
Toporkov A. G. МГТУ
Kazakovtsev V. P. МГТУ
Nedogarok A. A. МГТУ
Gnezdova E. K. МГТУ
The use of inflatable structures for the removal of spacecraft from orbit IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
2019 .- Vol. 683 .- Art.no 012069
Материал конференции Savina A. S. МГТУ
Men'shikov V. V.
Boldyrev V. S. МГТУ
Razvodova A. A. МГТУ
Bogatov N. A. МГТУ
Zotkin A. P. МГТУ
The use of induction heating in reaction apparatus small tonnage production IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering
2021 .- Vol. 1178 , Issue 1 .- С. 1 - 6 .- Art.no 012049
Статья в журнале Ivanov M. F. МГТУ
Kiverin A. D. МГТУ
Smygalina A. E. МГТУ
Zaichenko V. M.
The Use of Hydrogen as a Fuel for Engines in the Energy Cycle of Remote Production Facilities Technical Physics
2018 .- Vol. 63 , Issue 1 .- С. 148 - 151
Материал конференции Goshin P. V. МГТУ
Infimovsky Y. Y. МГТУ
Motylev V. A. МГТУ
Sokolov R. A. МГТУ
Urakov D. V. МГТУ
The use of HTS-tape as a sample for a laboratory workshop Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2019 .- Vol. 1348 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012103
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