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Всего: 56949 Страница: <<<333435363738394041>>>
Тип публикации Авторы Заглавие Издание, год, номер, страницы
Статья в журнале Vetokhin A. N. МГТУ
The topological entropy on a space of homeomorphisms does not belong to the first Baire class Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin
2016 .- Т. 71 , № 2 .- С. 75 - 78
Материал конференции Komkov M. A. МГТУ
Vasilyeva T. V. МГТУ
Khokhlov Y. N. МГТУ
Prokhorova M. A. МГТУ
The tool’s optimum geometry research for obtaining apertures in semi-cured polymer composite materials Key Engineering Materials
2021 .- Vol. 882 KEM .- С. 114 - 120
Статья в журнале Belov P. A. МГТУ
Nelyub V. A. МГТУ
The Timoshenko theory of plates with adhesive properties of face surfaces Polymer Science. Series D
2015 .- Vol. 8 , Issue 4 .- С. 307 - 309
Статья в журнале Reshmin S. A. МГТУ
The Threshold Absolute Value of a Relay Control Bringing a Satellite to a Gravitationally Stable Position in Optimal Time Doklady Physics
2018 .- Vol. 63 , Issue 6 .- С. 257 - 261
Статья в журнале Kosushkin V. G. МГТУ
Kozhitov S. L.
Parkhomenko Y. N.
Kozhitov L. V.
Cherjakov L. M.
"The thermal wave" in technology of crystal growth from the melt Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics
2013 .- Vol. 5 , Issue 4 .- Art.no 04022
Статья в журнале Grigorev I.
Burgonutdinov A.
Makuev V. МГТУ
et al.
The theoretical modeling of the dynamic compaction process of forest soil Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering
2022 .- Vol. 19 , Issue 3 .- С. 2935 - 2949
Статья в журнале Bout D. K. МГТУ
Bychkov P. S.
Lychev S. A. МГТУ
The theoretical and experimental study of the bending of a thin substrate during electrolytic deposition PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin
2020 .- Vol. 2020 , Issue 1 .- С. 17 - 31
Материал конференции Taran M. O. МГТУ
Revunkov G. I. МГТУ
Gapanyuk Yu. E. МГТУ
The Text Fragment Extraction Module of the Hybrid Intelligent Information System for Analysis of Judicial Practice of Arbitration Courts Studies in Computational Intelligence
2021 .- Vol. 925 SCI .- С. 242 - 248
Статья в журнале Zarubin V. S. МГТУ
Kuvyrkin G. N. МГТУ
Savelyeva I. Yu. МГТУ
The temperature state of a plane dielectric layer at constant voltage and fixed temperature of one of the surfaces of this layer Mathematical Methods in the Applied Science
2022 .- Vol. 45 , Issue 15 .- С. 8854 - 8863
Материал конференции Zarubin V. S. МГТУ
Kuvyrkin G. N. МГТУ
Savelyeva I. Yu. МГТУ
The temperature state of a plane dielectric layer at constant voltage and fixed temperature of one of the surfaces of this layer AIP Conference Proceedings
Статья в журнале Leontiev A. I. МГТУ
Lushchik V. G.
Makarova M. S.
The temperature recovery factor in a boundary layer on a permeable plate High Temperature
2017 .- Vol. 55 , Issue 2 .- С. 246 - 252
Статья в журнале Kukartsev V. A.
Kukartsev V. V.
Tynchenko V. S. МГТУ
Bukhtoyarov V. V. МГТУ
Tynchenko V. V.
Sergienko R. B.
Bashmur K. A.
Lysyannikov A. V.
The Technology of Using Liquid Glass Mixture Waste for Reducing the Harmful Environmental Impact Materials
2022 .- Vol. 15 , Issue 3 .- Art.no 1220
Материал конференции Koryanov V. V. МГТУ
Toporkov A. G. МГТУ
Kazakovtsev V. P. МГТУ
Nedogarok A. A. МГТУ
The technology of using inflatable structures made of special materials to adapt the de-orbiting system for removing spacecraft IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
2020 .- Vol. 812 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012006
Материал конференции Mikhailov V. P. МГТУ
Aung T. L. МГТУ
Kazakov A. V. МГТУ
Kopylov A. МГТУ
The technology of printed circuit board microdrilling IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
2020 .- Vol. 971 , Issue 2 .- Art.no 022060
Материал конференции Romanova I. K. МГТУ
The Task of the Optimal Management of the Pareto Front and Its Solution for the Design of UAV Stabilization Systems AIP Conference Proceedings
2023 .- Vol. 2549 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 210031
Материал конференции Bykov A. Yu. МГТУ
Grishunin M. V. МГТУ
The task of selecting the protected assets within the limited resources based on the model of discrete game theory CEUR Workshop Proceedings
2017 .- С. 32 - 35
Материал конференции Smirnov E. V. МГТУ
The Talbot effect in X-ray range Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2019 .- Vol. 1348 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012076
Статья в журнале Loktev D. A. МГТУ
Loktev A. A.
Makarov A. A.
Shepelev D. N.
The System Simulating the State of the Objects and the Process of Their Monitoring with the Help of the Convolutional Neural Network International Review on Modelling and Simulations
2022 .- Vol. 15 , Issue 1 .- С. 1 - 9
Статья в журнале Zelenkov M. Yu. МГТУ
Laamarti Y. A.
Zinkovsky S.
Shermukhamedova N.
Diaghilev V. V.
Vasilyeva O. N.
The system of key risk factors contributing to religious terrorist activities in the 21st century European Journal of Science and Theology
2021 .- Vol. 17 , Issue 3 .- С. 91 - 101
Статья в журнале Loktev D. A. МГТУ
Loktev A. A.
Salnikova A. V.
The system of facial recognition in the infrared range Communications - Scientific Letters of the University of Zilina
2020 .- Vol. 22 , Issue 1 .- С. 95 - 101
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