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Всего: 56954 Страница: <<<394041424344454647>>>
Тип публикации Авторы Заглавие Издание, год, номер, страницы
Статья в журнале Golubkov G. V.
Manzhelii M.
Berlin A. A.
Morozov A. N. МГТУ
et all.
The problems of passive remote sensing of the earth's surface in the range of 1.2-1.6 GHz Atmosphere
2020 .- Vol. 11 , Issue 6 .- С. 650 .- Art.no 650
Материал конференции Digtyar O. Yu.
Fomina N. V.
Anyushenkova O. N.
Esina L. S.
Zakirova E. S. МГТУ
The Problems of Distance Learning Education While Teaching Foreign Languages at the Non-linguistic Higher School 11th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN)
2019 .- С. 10531 - 10535
Статья в журнале Salitskaya E. A. МГТУ
The Problem of Unprotected Content of Scientific Work, Do We Need a “Copyright” on Ideas? Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2019 .- Vol. 89 , Issue 5 .- С. 460 - 467
Статья в журнале Lebedev S. A. МГТУ
The problem of the induction Вопросы философии и психологии
2015 .- № 1(3) .- С. 17 - 28
Статья в журнале Lebedev S. A. МГТУ
The problem of scientific method in the postnonclassical epistemology European journal of philosophical research
Статья в журнале Lebedev S. A. МГТУ
The problem of scientific method in the logical positivism Вопросы философии и психологии
Статья в журнале Lebedev S. A. МГТУ
The Problem of Scientific Method in the First Positivism Вопросы философии и психологии
Статья в журнале Lebedev S. A. МГТУ
The problem of scientific method in the classic natural science Вопросы философии и психологии
2016 .- № 2(8) .- С. 46 - 61
Статья в журнале Markov A. S. МГТУ
Romashkina N. P.
The problem of identifying the source (atribution) of cyberattacks – an international security factor World Economy and International Relations
2022 .- Vol. 66 , No 12 .- С. 58 - 68
Глава книги Serdyukova N. A.
Serdyukov V. I. МГТУ
The Problem of General Systems Theory's Formalization Algebraic Formalization of Smart Systems
2018 .- С. 1 - 20
( Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies (SIST) ; Vol. 91 )
Материал конференции Savchenkova V. A. МГТУ
Korshunov N. A.
Perminov A. V.
Voinash S. A.
The problem of fire fighting during the hours of darkness IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
2020 .- Vol. 421 , Issue 6 .- Art.no 062002
Материал конференции Gulyukina S. I. МГТУ
Utkin V. A.
The Problem of Controlling a Steam Generator under Conditions of Uncertainty and Restrictions on Phase Variables and Controls Proceedings of 2020 13th International Conference Management of Large-Scale System Development, MLSD 2020
2020 .- Art.no 9247828
Статья в журнале Торубарова Татьяна Викторовна МГТУ
The Problem of Absolute Knowledge. Metaphysics as Intellectual Intuition in Classic Modern European Philosophy International Journal of Environmental and Science Education
2016 .- Т. 11 , № 11 .- С. 4910 - 4920
Статья в журнале Kalinkin A. V. МГТУ
Kulzhanova A. E. МГТУ
The probability of the extinction of branching process with the scheme of interaction 2T -> 3T; T -> 0 Обозрение прикладной и промышленной математики
2016 .- Т. 23 , № 2 .- С. 178 - 179
Статья в журнале Lebedev Sergey A. МГТУ
Lebedev Konstantin S. МГТУ
The principles of scientific Theories Journal of international network center for fundamental and applied research
2015 .- Vol. 3 , Issue 1 .- С. 22 - 33
Материал конференции Chernenkiy V. M. МГТУ
Gapanyuk Yu. E. МГТУ
Revunkov G. I. МГТУ
Andreev A. M. МГТУ
Kaganov Yu. T. МГТУ
Dunin I. V.
Lyaskovsky M. A.
The Principles and the Conceptual Architecture of the Metagraph Storage System Communications in Computer and Information Science
Материал конференции Tarkhanova E.
Lyapuntsova E. V. МГТУ
Baburina N.
Fricler A.
The present and the future of Russian renewable energy in the green economy transition E3S Web of Conferences
2021 .- Vol. 250 .- Art.no 08003
Материал конференции Kuznetsov V. V. МГТУ
Yarots V МГТУ
The presence of the "locking effect" when the fluid flows through the cylindrical throttle channels IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
2020 .- Vol. 779 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012024
Статья в журнале Serbinenko V. V. МГТУ
The presence and non-presence of Russian Metaphysics Social Sciences (Russian Federation)
2018 .- Т. 49 , № 3 .- С. 84 - 101
Статья в журнале Sidnyaev N. I. МГТУ
Butenko Yu. I. МГТУ
Stroganov Iu. V. МГТУ
Kiseleva A. D. МГТУ
The Predicative Symptoms and Biometry of Speech Behavior Automatic Documentation and Mathematical Linguistics
2021 .- Vol. 55 , Issue 6 .- С. 26 - 37
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