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Материал конференции |
Malakhov A. I. МГТУ
Tikhomirov A. N. МГТУ Shchookin S. I. МГТУ Kaplunova V. Y. |
The Precordial Electrical Impedance Methods Possibilities in the Evaluation of Local Heart Chambers Contractility | IFMBE Proceedings |
Материал конференции |
Panfilova E. V. МГТУ
Ibragimov A. R. МГТУ Shramko D. Y. МГТУ |
The practice of using artificial intelligence algorithms to adjust the parameters of nanostructures study by the tapping mode of atomic force microscopy |
AIP Conference Proceedings
Vol. 2383
.- Art.no 040003
DOI: 10.1063/5.0075106
Статья в журнале |
Bezverkhnii N. V. МГТУ
The power conjugacy search problem in a cyclic subgroup in groups with the condition C.3/ & T.6/ | Discrete Mathematics and Applications |
Статья в журнале |
Safonova L. P. МГТУ
Shkarubo A. N. Orlova V. G. МГТУ Lesnichaia A. D. МГТУ Chernov I. V. |
The Potential of the Spectrophotometric Method for Detection and Identification of Neurovascular Structures | Biomedical Engineering |
Статья в журнале |
Chulichkov A. I. МГТУ
Tsybulskaya N. D. Kulichkov S. N. |
The possibility of the classification of infrasonic signals using methods for checking statistical hypotheses | Moscow University Physics Bulletin |
Материал конференции |
Loktev A. A.
Izotov K. A. Loktev D. A. МГТУ |
The possibility of increasing the bandwidth of fiber-optic communication lines |
Moscow Workshop on Electronic and Networking Technologies, MWENT 2018 - Proceedings
1 - 4
.- Art.no 8337243
Статья в журнале |
Varaksin A. Y. МГТУ
Romash M. E. Kopeitsev V. N. |
The Possibility of Generation of Concentrated Fire Vortices without Forced Swirling | Doklady Physics |
Статья в журнале |
Vlasov D. D.
Polilov A. N. МГТУ |
The Possibility of Creep Prediction of Viscoelastic Polymer Composites Using Frequency Dependences of Complex Modulus Components | Mechanics of Composite Materials |
Материал конференции |
Tkachenko Y. L. МГТУ
Sherbakova I. S. МГТУ Morozov S. D. МГТУ |
The possibility of building a living environment in the Arctic zone of Russia based on artificial ecosystems | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science |
Статья в журнале |
Lebedev S. A. МГТУ
The positive-dialectical epistemological program |
European journal of philosophical research
№ 2(2)
113 - 132
Статья в журнале |
Boginskaya I.
Gainutdinova A. Gusev A. Mailyan K. Mikhailitsyn A. Sedova M. Vdovichenko A. Glushchenkov A. Dorofeenko A. Ryzhikov I. A. МГТУ |
The poly(Chloro-P-xylylene)-Ag metal-polymer nanocomposites obtained by controlled vapor-phase synthesis for SERS effect realisation | Coatings |
Статья в журнале |
Tolmachev O. M. МГТУ
Starodumov L. L. Nesova N. M. Kotovchikhina N. D. Magomedov R. M. |
The policy of quality assurance of university e-education in Europe and Latin America | Revista Tempos e Espaços em Educação |
Статья в журнале |
Bagapsh A. O. МГТУ
The Poisson integral and Green’s function for one strongly elliptic system of equations in a circle and an ellipse | Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics |
Статья в журнале |
Chirkov A. Yu. МГТУ
Ryzhkov S. V. МГТУ |
The plasma jet/laser driven compression of compact plasmoids to fusion conditions |
Journal of Fusion Energy
Vol. 31
Issue 1
7 - 12
Статья в журнале |
Tarasov V. A. МГТУ
Gerasimov N. V. МГТУ Jia Zhenyuan МГТУ Boyarskaya R. V. МГТУ |
The Physical Nature of the Decrease in Viscosity of Polyester Resin during Nanomodification in Ultrasound |
Polymer Science. Series D
Vol. 13
Issue 2
141 - 145
Статья в журнале |
Bunkin N. F. МГТУ
Shkirin A. V. Penkov N. V. Chirikov S. N. Ignatiev P. S. Kozlov V. A. МГТУ |
The physical nature of mesoscopic inhomogeneities in highly diluted aqueous suspensions of protein particles | Physics of Wave Phenomena |
Статья в журнале |
Yakushin B. F. МГТУ
Perkovskiy R. A. МГТУ Sudarev A. V. МГТУ |
The physical model of the welding cycle for investigating the weldability of metals | Welding International |
Статья в журнале |
Barkin M. Yu. МГТУ
Shkapov P. M. МГТУ Hanada Hideo |
The Physical Librations of the Moon Caused by its Tidal Deformations |
Вестник МГТУ им.Н.Э.Баумана. Серия "Естественные науки"
№ 2
4 - 16
Материал конференции |
Eremichev A. N. МГТУ
Tovarnyh G. N. МГТУ |
The phenomenon of the R-7 rocket. Positive experience of its study | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Материал конференции |
Taran M. O. МГТУ
Revunkov G. I. МГТУ Gapanyuk Yu. E. МГТУ |
The Phenomenon of Resonance in Knowledge Distillation: Learning Students by Non-strong Teachers |
Studies in Computational Intelligence
Vol. 1008 SCI
292 - 298