Поиск публикаций
Тип публикации | Авторы | Заглавие▼ | Издание, год, номер, страницы |
Статья в журнале |
Salimova T.
Vatolkina N. МГТУ Makolov V. Anikina N |
The perspective of quality management system development in the era of industry 4.0 |
Humanities and Social Sciences Reviews
Vol. 8
Issue 4
483 - 495
Глава книги |
Serdyukova N. A.
Serdyukov V. I. МГТУ |
The Performance of a System by Using an Algebraic System of Factors Determining the System. P-Properties of a System |
Algebraic Formalization of Smart Systems
21 - 39
Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies
No 91
Материал конференции |
Yurasov A. N.
Yashin M. M. МГТУ Ganshina E. A. Mokrushina A. A. Semenova D. V. |
The peculiarities of spectral dependences of the transverse Kerr effect of Au-Co nanostructures | Journal of Physics: Conference Series |
Материал конференции |
Belova V. G. МГТУ
Stepanov V. A. Chirkov A. Yu. МГТУ |
The parametric studies of the effect of synthetic jets on the distribution of heat fluxes in a flat model channel |
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Vol. 1368
Issue 1
.- Art.no 012075
Материал конференции |
Tikhomirov G. V. МГТУ
Egorova O. V. Bazanchuk G. A. МГТУ Kurakov S. V. МГТУ |
The pantograph: rare models and application |
History of Mechanism and Machine Science (HMMS 2024)
Vol. 47
305 - 313
Материал конференции |
Merkulina I.
Kolesnik G. Kakhrimanova D. Ivanov P. D. МГТУ Saltakhanov A. |
The organization of transportations by container trains |
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Vol. 698
Issue 6
.- Art.no 066063
Статья в журнале |
Mikhalev A. S. МГТУ
Tynchenko V. S. МГТУ Nelyub V. A. МГТУ Lugovaya N. M. Baranov V. A. Kukartsev V. V. МГТУ Sergienko R. B. Kurashkin S. O. МГТУ |
The Orb-Weaving Spider Algorithm for Training of Recurrent Neural Networks | Symmetry |
Материал конференции |
Brom A. E. МГТУ
Sidelnikov I. D. МГТУ Terentyeva Z. S. МГТУ |
The Optimization of Spare Parts Volume Considering Redundancy for Complex Equipment in the Conditions of Various Functional Purposes |
11th International Conference "Management of Large-Scale System Development"
.- Art.no 8551897
Статья в журнале |
Zakharov V. Y. МГТУ
Volkov V. A. Ivanova A. N. Velmozhko I. N. Chirikova O. B. |
The optimality of the option of abolishing serfdom in Russia,implemented in 1861 | Amazonia Investiga |
Материал конференции |
Dmitriev A. N. МГТУ
Mugeb Al-harosh МГТУ Igor S. МГТУ Nikolaev A. P. МГТУ |
The optimal stimulation mode and the number of averaging epochs selection for P300 detection |
Ural Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, Radioelectronics and Information Technology (USBEREIT), Yekaterinburg, 2018
91 - 94
Статья в журнале |
Gritsenko I. V. МГТУ
Kovalev M. S. МГТУ Stsepuro N. G. МГТУ Gulina Yu. S. Krasin G. K. МГТУ Gonchukov G. A. Kudryashov S. I. |
The optical refractometry using transport-of-intensity equation |
Laser Physics Letters
Vol. 19
Issue 7
1 - 4
.- Art.no 076201
Статья в журнале |
Drakon A.
Eremin A. Matveeva N. МГТУ Mikheyeva E. Y. МГТУ |
The opposite influences of flame suppressants on the ignition of combustible mixtures behind shock waves |
Combustion and Flame
Vol. 176
1339 - 1351
Статья в журнале |
Baryshnikov N. V. МГТУ
Zhivotovskii I. V. МГТУ Piskunov T. S. МГТУ Platonov P. V. МГТУ |
The operating stability of an automatic adjustment system with a parallel transfer device using a pentaprism | Measurement Techniques |
Материал конференции |
Gavryushin S. S. МГТУ
Baryshnikova O. O. МГТУ |
The Numerical Simulation of the Flexible Element Deformation with Nonlinear Relay Character |
2020 IEEE 7th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications, ICIEA 2020
78 - 81
.- Art.no 9102106
Материал конференции |
Epikhin A. S. МГТУ
Kraposhin M. V. Vatutin K. A. |
The numerical simulation of compressible jet at low Reynolds number using OpenFOAM |
E3S Web of Conferences
Vol. 128
.- Art.no 10008
Статья в журнале |
Zhinov A. A. МГТУ
Shevelev D. V. МГТУ Karyshev A. K. МГТУ Anan'ev P. A. |
The numerical research of the gas flow in the exhaust duct of the gas turbine with a waste heat boiler | Ain Shams Engineering Journal |
Материал конференции |
Vykhovanets V. S. МГТУ
The Notional Model of Knowledge Representation | Journal of Physics: Conference Series |
Статья в журнале |
Lychev S. A. МГТУ
Lycheva T. N. Koifman K. G. МГТУ |
The nonlinear evolutionary problem for self-stressed multilayered hyperelastic spherical bodies | PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin |
Статья в журнале |
Kireeva E. A. МГТУ
Shchigolev V. V. |
The nilpotence degree of quantum Lie nilpotent algebras | International Journal of Algebra and Computation |
Материал конференции |
Basarab M. A. МГТУ
The New Wavelet-like Allan Variance Based on the Atomic Function |
Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium
Vol. 2021-November
2870 - 2877