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Тип публикации Авторы Заглавие Издание, год, номер, страницы
Статья в журнале Ermolenko Yu.
Antonova M.
Polivanova A. G. МГТУ
Gelperina S.
The method of capillary electrophoresis for quantitative determination of hydrophobized hyaluronic acid in its micellar forms Analytical Biochemistry
Статья в журнале Ivanychev D. A.
Levina E. Yu. МГТУ
Glazkova Yu. A.
The method of boundary states in problems of torsion of anisotropic cylinders of finite length International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies
Материал конференции Sidnyaev N. I. МГТУ
Butenko Yu. I. МГТУ
Bolotova E. E. МГТУ
The method of aviation systems diagnostics according to the admissible level of non-failure operation probability IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
2021 .- Vol. 1061 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012037
Статья в журнале Shagaev V. V. МГТУ
The Method for Calculation of the Coefficient of Reflection of an Electromagnetic Wave from an Inhomogeneous Layer Having a Small Phase Thickness Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics
2018 .- Vol. 63 , Issue 2 .- С. 111 - 117
Материал конференции Tarassov V. B. МГТУ
Kaganov Yu. T. МГТУ
Gapanyuk Yu. E. МГТУ
The Metagraph Model for Complex Networks: Definition, Calculus, and Granulation Issues Lecture Notes in Computer Science
2021 .- Vol. 12948 LNAI .- С. 135 - 151
Материал конференции Karbushev D. N. МГТУ
Khvesyuk V. I. МГТУ
Chirkov A. Yu. МГТУ
The mechanism of the onset of turbulent structures under the ion temperature gradient drift instability conditions Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2019 .- Vol. 1383 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012013
Статья в журнале Prudaev I. A.
Oleinik V. L.
Smirnova T. E.
Kopyev V. V.
Verkholetov M. G. МГТУ
Balzovsky E. V.
Tolbanov O. P.
The mechanism of superfast switching of avalanche S-diodes based on GaAs doped with Cr and Fe IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices
2018 .- Vol. 65 , Issue 8 .- С. 3339 - 3344 .- Art.no 8391753
Статья в журнале Varaksin A. Yu. МГТУ
Vasil’ev N. V. МГТУ
Vavilov S. N.
The Mechanism of Droplet Levitation in Gas–Droplet Flows Past Bodies Doklady Physics
2021 .- Vol. 66 , Issue 12 .- С. 345 - 347
Материал конференции Parshin D. A. МГТУ
Manzhirov A. V. МГТУ
The mechanical problems on additive manufacturing of viscoelastic solids with integral conditions on a surface increasing in the growth process Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2018 .- Vol. 991 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012063
Статья в журнале Parshin D. A. МГТУ
Manzhirov A. V. МГТУ
The mechanical problems on additive manufacturing of viscoelastic solids with integral conditions on a surface increasing in the growth process Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2018 .- Vol. 991 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012063
Статья в журнале Kalabikhina I. E.
Banin E. P. МГТУ
Abduselimova I. A.
Klimenko G. A.
Kolotusha A. V.
The measurement of demographic temperature using the sentiment analysis of data from the social network vkontakte Mathematics
2021 .- Vol. 9 , Issue 9 .- Art.no 987
Статья в журнале Kunickaya O.
Shvetsova V.
Tikhonov E
Kolominova M.
Borisov V. МГТУ
Levushkin D. M. МГТУ
Lavrov M.
Dmitrieva N.
The Mathematical Modeling of Mechanical Group Debarking in a Barking Drum Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems
2022 .- Vol. 9 , Issue 3 .- С. 577 - 582
Материал конференции Barkin M. Y. МГТУ
Bondarenko V. V.
Perepelkin V. V.
The mathematical model of short-time forecast of the Earth axial rotation irregularity IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
2018 .- Vol. 468 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012027
Статья в журнале Boriskina Z. M. МГТУ
Baryshnikova O. O. МГТУ
The mathematical model of motion of particles in vibrating conveyors International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research
2020 .- Vol. 9 , Issue 1 .- С. 76 - 79
Материал конференции Starozhuk E. A. МГТУ
Vatolkina N. МГТУ
Smirnova E. V. МГТУ
The management of education technology innovation within the framework of quality management system of the university Proceedings of ICERI
2018 .- С. 6168 - 6174
Материал конференции Aliev R. A.
Tarassov V. B. МГТУ
The Man Who Changed the Scientific World: To the Centenary of the Birth of Lotfi Zadeh Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
2021 .- Vol. 1306 .- С. 148 - 164
Статья в журнале Dibrova Zh. N.
Nosov V. V.
Ovchenkova G. S.
Karpenko E. Z.
Pilyugina A. V. МГТУ
Erkovich E. A. МГТУ
The main directions of the solution of the problem of food security in Russia International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology
2018 .- Vol. 9 , Issue 12 .- С. 387 - 394
Материал конференции Diakov A. S. МГТУ
Pozdeev A. V.
Novikov V. V.
The main directions of the development of snowmobiles in the Russian Federation MATEC Web of Conferences
2018 .- Vol. 224 : International Conference on Modern Trends in Manufacturing Technologies and Equipment (ICMTMTE 2018) .- Art.no 02080
Статья в журнале Pavlov I. V. МГТУ
The lower-bound estimate of reliability based on the results of accelerated tests Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability
2015 .- Vol. 44 , Issue 3 .- С. 257 - 262
Материал конференции Parkhomenko V. P. МГТУ
The longtime global climatic consequences modeling of the Chicxulub asteroid impact event Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2021 .- Vol. 2090 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012110
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