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Тип публикации Авторы Заглавие Издание, год, номер, страницы
Статья в журнале Efremov V. P.
Ivanov M. F. МГТУ
Kiverin A. D. МГТУ
Yakovenko I. S. МГТУ
Volumetric initiation of gaseous detonation by radiant heating of suspended microparticles Technical Physics Letters
2016 .- Vol. 42 , Issue 2 .- С. 194 - 197
Материал конференции Kuzmina K. S. МГТУ
Marchevsky I. K. МГТУ
Ryatina E. P. МГТУ
VM2D: Open source code for 2D incompressible flow simulation by using vortex methods Communications in Computer and Information Science
Материал конференции Mayorova V. I. МГТУ
Grishko D. A. МГТУ
Leonov V. V. МГТУ
"Vivid mathematics" as an approach to strengthening the relations between school subjects for future aerospace engineers Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC
2019 .- Vol. 2019-October .- Art.no IAC-19_E1_2_10_x49273
Статья в журнале Mayorova V. I. МГТУ
Grishko D. A. МГТУ
Leonov V. V. МГТУ
“Vivid mathematics” as a general vector of multidisciplinary STEM education for future aerospace engineers Acta Astronautica
2021 .- Vol. 178 .- С. 72 - 80
Материал конференции Mahouti P.
Kizilay A.
Razevig V. V. МГТУ
Belen M. A.
Piltan O. C.
Vivaldi Antenna Design With Frequency Selective Surfaces for GPR Applications Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Recent Advances in Air and Space Technologies, RAST 2023
Статья в журнале Zhao J.
Liu W.
Grekhov L. МГТУ
Visualization research on influence of ambient pressure on CNG jet characteristics of gas injector with outward-opening nozzle Fuel
2019 .- Vol. 257 .- Art.no 116084
Статья в журнале Varaksin A. Yu. МГТУ
Denshchikov K. K.
Protasov M. V.
Romash M. E.
Visualization of whirlwind (non-stationary vortex) structures aimed to the improvement of cooling systems of electric power devices Scientific Visualization
2020 .- Vol. 12 , Issue 2 .- С. 74 - 83
Статья в журнале Machikhin A. S.
Burmak L. I.
Pozhar V. E. МГТУ
Visualization of the phase structure of optically transparent objects on the basis of acousto-optical filtration of interference images Instruments and Experimental Techniques
2016 .- Vol. 59 , Issue 6 .- С. 829 - 833
Материал конференции Skriabin A. S. МГТУ
Telekh V. D. МГТУ
Pavlov A. V. МГТУ
Chesnokov D. A.
Zhupanov V. G.
Novikov P. A.
Visualization of the gas flows that formed above the thin-film coatings under VUV radiation influence Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2021 .- Vol. 2127 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012005
Статья в журнале Dimitrienko Yu. I. МГТУ
Gubareva E. A. МГТУ
Sborshikov S. V. МГТУ
Visualization of tensor fields based on geometric representation of tensors Scientific Visualization
2018 .- Vol. 10 , No 2 .- С. 95 - 111
Статья в журнале Gorshkov Y. G. МГТУ
Visualization of power supply network interference in telemedicine systems of mobile electrocardiography Scientific Visualization
2021 .- Vol. 13 , Issue 1 .- С. 44 - 53
Материал конференции Putintsev S. V. МГТУ
Pilatskaya S. S. МГТУ
Ratnikov A. S.
Ratnikov A. S.
Visualization of piston engine cylinder oil-jet lubricating process Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2019 .- Vol. 1177 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012006
Материал конференции Sakulin S. A. МГТУ
Gavrilov N. МГТУ
Lychkov I. I. МГТУ
Alfimtsev A. N. МГТУ
Visualization of Bipolar Aggregation Operators Based on a Modified 3D Balance Model 2024 6th International Youth Conference on Radio Electronics, Electrical and Power Engineering (REEPE)
Материал конференции Vlasov Andrey I. МГТУ
Visual modeling of complex systems considering the role of active components AIP Conference Proceedings
2023 .- Vol. 2833 .- Art.no 070002
Материал конференции Khalzev S. E. МГТУ
Vlasov A. I. МГТУ
Shakhnov V. A. МГТУ
Visual methods of high-level system design for digital hardware components Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2020 .- Vol. 1515 , Issue 4 .- Art.no 042024
Материал конференции Vlasov A. I. МГТУ
Shakhnov V. A. МГТУ
Visual Methodology for the Multi-factor Assessment of Industrial Digital Transformation Components Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation
2021 .- Vol. 44 .- С. 57 - 65
Статья в журнале Vlasov A. I. МГТУ
Juravleva L. V. МГТУ
Shakhnov V. A. МГТУ
Visual environment of cognitive graphics for end-to-end engineering project-based education Journal of Applied Engineering Science
2019 .- Vol. 17 , Issue 1 .- С. 99 - 106
Статья в журнале Ovcharenko E. A.
Savrasov G. V. МГТУ
Klyshnikov K. U.
Visual and Robotic Guidance Systems for Transcatheter Implantation of Heart Value Prostheses Biomedical Engineering
2017 .- Vol. 51 , No 1 .- С. 1 - 5
Статья в журнале Leonov S. O. МГТУ
Lasarev V. A. МГТУ
Tarabrin M. K. МГТУ
Dvoretskiy D. A. МГТУ
Pasishnik A. S.
Pryamikov A. D.
Visible supercontinuum generation in large-core photonic crystal fiber with high air-filling fraction Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2015 .- Vol. 584 .- Art.no 012015
Статья в журнале Bazilevsky A. V.
Kalinichenko V. A. МГТУ
Rozhkov A. N.
Viscous Regularization of Breaking Faraday Waves JETP Letters
2018 .- Vol. 107 , Issue 11 .- С. 684 - 689
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