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Всего: 56963 Страница: <<<515253545556575859>>>
Тип публикации Авторы Заглавие Издание, год, номер, страницы
Статья в журнале Kolenchukov O. A.
Bashmur K. A.
Bukhtoyarov V. V. МГТУ
Sergienko R. B.
Tynchenko V. S. МГТУ
The experimental research of n-butane pyrolysis using an agitator SOCAR Proceedings / Научные труды НИПИ Нефтегаз ГНКАР
2022 .- Issue 1 .- С. 29 - 34
Статья в журнале Oreshkina O. A. МГТУ
Slitikov P. V. МГТУ
The Experience of BMSTU’s Teachers on Remote Teaching Chemistry of Hearing Impaired Students in the Pandemic European Journal of Contemporary Education
2022 .- Vol. 11 , Issue 4 .- С. 1176 - 1191
Материал конференции Laukhin D. A. МГТУ
Totunov S. S.
Adorni E. МГТУ
Ivanova O. A. МГТУ
Strokin A. A. МГТУ
Ivanov M. V. МГТУ
The experience in the developing of reverberation chambers and Echonic rooms IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
2021 .- Vol. 815 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012028
Статья в журнале Semenov A. A.
Zabrodin A. V.
Gorlevskiy V. V.
Zhigalina O. M. МГТУ
Seregin A. V. МГТУ
et al.
The experience in production of composite refraction lenses from beryllium Crystallography Reports
2017 .- Vol. 62 , Issue 1 .- С. 25 - 30
Статья в журнале Styrt O. G. МГТУ
The existence of a polynomial factorization map for some compact linear groups Journal of Algebra
2017 .- Vol. 472 .- С. 273 - 278
Материал конференции Fomin I. V. МГТУ
Chervon S. V. МГТУ
The exact solutions in verified cosmological models based on generalized scalar-tensor gravity Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2020 .- Vol. 1557 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012020
Статья в журнале Vetokhin A. N. МГТУ
The Exact Baire Class of Topological Entropy of Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems Mathematical Notes
2019 .- Vol. 106 , Issue 3-4 .- С. 327 - 333
Статья в журнале Abishev M. E.
Denisov V. I.
Denisova I. P. МГТУ
Kechkin O. V.
The evalution of elektromagnetic forward radiation during the propagation of gravitational waves through the dipole field of the magnetar. Astroparticle Physics
2018 .- Vol. 103 .- С. 94 - 97
Материал конференции Stepanova L. P.
Pisareva А. V. МГТУ
Nechushkin Y. V. МГТУ
Myshkin A. I.
The evaluation of the impact of soil pollution on human health International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM
2019 .- Vol. 19 , Issue 5.2 .- С. 717 - 724
Материал конференции Saprykina M. МГТУ
Lomakin V. O. МГТУ
The evaluation of the effect of gas content on the characteristics of a Centrifugal Pump IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
2019 .- Vol. 589 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012017
Статья в журнале Melnikova V. G. МГТУ
Epikhin A. S. МГТУ
Kraposhin M. V.
The eulerian–lagrangian approach for the numerical investigation of an acoustic field generated by a high-speed gas-droplet flow Fluids
2021 .- Vol. 6 , Issue 8 .- Art.no 274
Глава книги Serdyukov V. I. МГТУ
Serdyukova N. A.
The Erdős–Rényi algorithm from the point of view of category theory. P-giant component of an algebraic system Algebraic Quasi—Fractal Logic of Smart Systems
2024 .- С. 245 - 269
( Intelligent Systems Reference Library ; Vol. 251 )
Статья в журнале Meshchikhin I. A. МГТУ
Gavryushin S. S. МГТУ
The Envelope Method in the Problem of Choosing a Rational Composition of Measuring Instruments Measurement Techniques
2021 .- Vol. 64 , Issue 2 .- С. 151 - 155
Статья в журнале Kazakova A. A. МГТУ
The Emergence and Self-Definition of Philosophy of Engineering Философия науки и техники [Philosophy of science and technology]
2022 .- Т. 27 , № 2 (32) .- С. 85 - 99
Материал конференции Gorelik V. S. МГТУ
Bi Dongxue МГТУ
Klimova N. S. МГТУ
Pichkurenko S. V. МГТУ
Filatov V. V. МГТУ
The electromagnetic field distribution in the 1D layered quasiperiodic dispersive media Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2019 .- Vol. 1348 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012060
Статья в журнале Tezer M.
Orekhovskaya N. A. МГТУ
Shaleeva E. F.
Knyazeva S. A.
Krokhina J. A.
The Effectiveness of STEM Education Applied with a Distance Education Approach International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning
2021 .- Vol. 16 , Issue 19 .- С. 180 - 192
Статья в журнале Zozulya V. V. МГТУ
Sokolov E. V. МГТУ
Kostyrin E. V. МГТУ
Korolev S. МГТУ
The effectiveness of applying beta-coefficient modifications when calculating returns on shares in Russian companies Eastern Journal of European Studies
2021 .- Vol. 12 , Issue 1 .- С. 31 - 52
Статья в журнале Cherkasova E. E.
Lavrentyeva G. V. МГТУ
Synzynys B. I.
Mirzeabasov O. A.
Pavlov A. N
The Effect of γ-Irradiation on Mortality and Biomass of the Terrestrial Mollusk F. fruticum M. Biology Bulletin
2023 .- Vol. 50 , Issue 12 .- С. 3232 - 3245
Материал конференции Matvienko Yu. G.
Pokrovskii A. M. МГТУ
The Effect of Two-dimensional Crack-tip Constraint on Crack Paths Procedia Structural Integrity
Статья в журнале Chirkov A. Yu. МГТУ
The Effect of Trapped Particles on Gradient Drift Instabilities in Finite Pressure Plasma with a Longitudi-nally Nonuniform Magnetic Field Journal of Fusion Energy
2014 .- Vol. 33 , Issue 2 .- С. 139 - 144
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