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Всего: 56999 Страница: <<<575859606162636465>>>
Тип публикации Авторы Заглавие Издание, год, номер, страницы
Статья в журнале Neklyudov A. V. МГТУ
The behavior of solutions of the nonlinear biharmonic equation in an unbounded domain Mathematical Notes
2014 .- Vol. 95 , Issue 1-2 .- С. 224 - 231
Статья в журнале Latyshev A. V.
Gordeeva N. M. МГТУ
The behavior of plasma with an arbitrary degree of degeneracy of electron gas in the conductive layer Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
2017 .- Vol. 192 , Issue 3 .- С. 1380 - 1395
Статья в журнале Gerasimov Yu. V. МГТУ
Konstantinova I. A. МГТУ
Konstantinova L. A.
Rakhimov R. G.
Selivanov A. B. МГТУ
The behavior of nanosatellite body materials during electromagnetic launch Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2017 .- Vol. 918 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012044
Материал конференции Gladyshev V. O. МГТУ
Bazlev D. A.
Kayutenko A. V. МГТУ
The basic principles of building an analytics platform for the search of new scientific knowledge Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2018 .- Vol. 1051 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012030
Статья в журнале Gladyshev V. O. МГТУ
Bazlev D. A.
Kayutenko A. V. МГТУ
The basic principles of building an analytics platform for the search of new scientific knowledge Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2018 .- Vol. 1051 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012030
Материал конференции Ryatina E. МГТУ
Lagno A. МГТУ
The Barnes - Hut-type algorithm in 2D Lagrangian vortex particle methods Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2021 .- Vol. 1715 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012069
Статья в журнале Levashov P. A. МГТУ
Matolygina D. A.. МГТУ
Ovchinnikova E. D.
Adamova I. Y.
Gasanova D. A.
Smirnov S. A. МГТУ
Nelyub V. A. МГТУ
Belogurova N. G.
Tishkov V. I.
Eremeev N. L.
Levashov A. V.
The bacteriolytic activity of native and covalently immobilized lysozyme against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria is differentially affected by charged amino acids and glycine FEBS Open Bio
2019 .- Vol. 9 , Issue 3 .- С. 510 - 518
Материал конференции Boslovyak P. V. МГТУ
Balashov A. A. МГТУ
The Automated Control System of the Ferris Wheel Attraction RusAutoCon - Proceedings of the International Russian Automation Conference
Статья в журнале Dimitrienko Yu. I. МГТУ
Yakovlev D. O. МГТУ
The asymptotic theory of thermoelasticity of multilayer composite plates Composites: Mechanics, Computations, Applications
2015 .- Vol. 6 , No 1 .- С. 13 - 51
Материал конференции Kuzmina K. S. МГТУ
Leonova D. D. МГТУ
Marchevsky I. K. МГТУ
Ryatina E. P. МГТУ
The approximate calculation of 2D field strength with a Coulomb potential by using multipole expansion Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2019 .- Vol. 1301 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012010
Статья в журнале Zakharov M. N. МГТУ
Kuts M. S. МГТУ
The approach to determine the elastic characteristic of the contact of rough surfaces International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research
2020 .- Vol. 9 , Issue 7 .- С. 937 - 942
Глава книги Nazarova A. V. МГТУ
Zhai M. МГТУ
The Application of Multi-agent Robotic Systems for Earthquake Rescue Robotics: Industry 4.0 Issues & New Intelligent Control Paradigms
2020 .- С. 133 - 146
( Studies in Systems, Decision and Control ; Vol. 272 )
Материал конференции Meshchikhin I. A. МГТУ
Gavriushin S. S. МГТУ
The Application of Elements of Information Theory to the Problem of Rational Choice of Measuring Instruments Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
2020 .- Vol. 902 .- С. 705 - 712
Материал конференции Rozhok А МГТУ
Tatarinov V. V. МГТУ
The application of dynamic risk analysis methods for safety improvement on highways located near or on the territory of hydraulic engineering dams IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
2019 .- Vol. 492 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012005
Статья в журнале Ignatov A. V. МГТУ
Namazova A. I. МГТУ
Tagil’tsev S. V. МГТУ
The Application of Adhesive Technologies in the Assembly of Antivibration Boring Arbor Polymer Science. Series D
2018 .- Vol. 11 , Issue 1 .- С. 20 - 23
Статья в журнале Margulis, M. A. МГТУ
Kuznetsov N. N. МГТУ
The appearance of electrification of hydrocarbons flowing in a tube Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A
2011 .- Vol. 85 , Issue 1 .- С. 130 - 135
Статья в журнале Litvinov D. A. МГТУ
Nunes N. V.
Bartel N.
Filetkin A. I.
Rudenko V. N.
Gurvits L. I.
Calves G. M.
Zakhvatkin M. V.
The antenna phase center motion effect in high-accuracy spacecraft tracking experiments Advances in Space Research
2021 .- Vol. 68 , Issue 10 .- С. 4274 - 4291
Статья в журнале Reshmin S. A. МГТУ
The analysis of the loss of the traction effect during an intensive start of a vehicle Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International
2019 .- Vol. 58 , Issue 3 .- С. 349 - 359
Материал конференции Chernov G. I.
Medkova E. Y.
Belova O. V. МГТУ
Vasilev V. K.
Evdokimov V. S.
The analysis of the climate conditions impact on the mobile compressor unit heat losses recovery system operation efficiency AIP Conference Proceedings
Материал конференции Rimskaya E. N. МГТУ
Apollonova I. A. МГТУ
Nikolaev A. P. МГТУ
Reshetov I. V.
Otstavnov S. S.
The Analysis of the Accuracy of Measurement of Main Pigmented Skin Lesions Signs Proceedings - 2019 Ural Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, Radioelectronics and Information Technology, USBEREIT 2019
2019 .- С. 52 - 54 .- Art.no 8736568
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