Поиск публикаций
Тип публикации | Авторы | Заглавие | Издание, год▼, номер, страницы |
Статья в журнале |
Batshev V. I. МГТУ
Kryukov A. V. МГТУ |
Design of a compact long-wave infrared inverse telephoto lens | Journal of Optical Technology (A Translation of Opticheskii Zhurnal) |
Статья в журнале |
Batov D. МГТУ
Voropaev V. S. МГТУ Jafari R., Akturk S. Lazarev V. A. МГТУ Karasik V. E. МГТУ Trebino R. Tarabrin M. K. МГТУ |
High-sensitivity and high-speed measurements of ultrashort pulses as short as 74 fs at 1.9 µm using a grenouille device | Optics Express |
Статья в журнале |
Batashova S. S. МГТУ
Zolotukhina A. A Guryleva A. V. Platonova N. B. Kunina V. A. |
Method for automated assessment of the effectiveness of fruit safety enhancement using an acousto-optical imaging spectrometer | Journal of Optical Technology (A Translation of Opticheskii Zhurnal) |
Статья в журнале |
Barsukov G. V.
Galinovsky A. L. МГТУ Zhuravleva T. A. МГТУ Kozhus O. G. |
Development of a Scheme and Method for Producing Silicon Carbides in the Surface Layer of a Copper Slag Particle for Waterjet Cutting |
Polymer Science. Series D
Vol. 17
507 - 515
Материал конференции |
Barbashov N. N. МГТУ
Polyantseva A. A. МГТУ Timofeev G. A. МГТУ |
Synthesis of gearing according to the contact relative point criterion | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Материал конференции |
Barbashov N. N. МГТУ
Polyantseva A. A. МГТУ |
Reducing the energy consumption of lifting machines |
E3S Web of Conferences
Vol. 525
.- Art.no 03015
Материал конференции |
Barbashov N. N. МГТУ
Polyantseva A. A. МГТУ Shanygin S. V. МГТУ |
Principles of Forming Machine Quality Criteria |
Proceedings of the 2024 6th International Youth Conference on Radio Electronics, Electrical and Power Engineering (REEPE)
Vol. 2024
Материал конференции |
Barbashov N. N. МГТУ
Polyantseva A. A. МГТУ |
Method of electric vehicle braking energy recovery |
E3S Web of Conferences
Vol. 471
.- Art.no 02010
Материал конференции |
Barbashov N. N. МГТУ
Kiselev R. M. МГТУ Strelkova J. МГТУ |
Estimation of the efficiency of road construction machines in the design |
E3S Web of Conferences
Vol. 471
.- Art.no 06009
Материал конференции |
Barbashov N. N. МГТУ
Shanygin S. V. МГТУ Polyantseva A. A. МГТУ |
Choosing the optimal gear ratio | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Материал конференции |
Barbashov N. N. МГТУ
Shanygin S. V. МГТУ Kananadze S. S. |
Application of spring energy accumulators in forging and pressing equipment | Journal of Physics: Conference Series |
Материал конференции |
Barbashov N. N. МГТУ
Timofeev G. A. МГТУ |
Algorithm for synthesis of plane gears according to the constant curvature criterion |
E3S Web of Conferences
Vol. 525
.- Art.no 06004
Материал конференции |
Barbashov N. N. МГТУ
Polyantseva A. A. МГТУ Tarebaeva K. МГТУ |
Adaptive control for moving the manipulator | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Статья в журнале |
Baranov A. A. МГТУ
Grishko D. A. МГТУ |
Review of path planning in prospective multi-target active debris removal missions in low earth orbits |
Progress in Aerospace Sciences
Vol. 145
.- Art.no 100982
Статья в журнале |
Baranov A. A. МГТУ
Assessment of Non-Coplanar Maneuver Parameters and Perturbing Accelerations Using the Minimal Number of Observations | Symmetry |
Статья в журнале |
Bannova O.
Mayorova V. I. МГТУ Pavlyuchenko V. Denisov M. Igritsky V. A. МГТУ |
A conceptual mission architecture of a robotic spaceflight to enceladus for enabling exploration of its surface and subglacial ocean | JBIS-Journal of British Interplanetary Society |
Статья в журнале |
Balandin I. A
Sharikova M. O. Batshev V. I. МГТУ Varnavskaya D. V. МГТУ Kozlov A. B. |
Short-wave infrared imaging spectrometer based on a tandem acousto-optical tunable filter | Journal of Optical Technology (A Translation of Opticheskii Zhurnal) |
Статья в журнале |
Balabushevich N. G.
Maltseva L. N. Filatova L. Yu. МГТУ Mosievich D. V. Mishin P. I. Bogomiakova M. E. Lebedeva O. S. Murina M. A. Klinov D. V. Obraztsova E. A. Kharaeva Z. F. Firova R. K. Grigorieva D. V. Gorudko I. V. Panasenko O. M. Mikhalchik E. V. |
Influence of natural polysaccharides on the morphology and properties of hybrid vaterite microcrystals |
Vol. 10
Issue 13
.- Art.no e33801
Статья в журнале |
Bakhtiiarov A. V.
Stepanov G. V. Lobanov D. A. Semerenko D. A. МГТУ Storozhenko P. A. |
Electroconductivity of silicone-based elastomer filled with magnetically hard particles | Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences:Physics |
Статья в журнале |
Baburin M. A. МГТУ
Baskakov V. D. МГТУ Zarubina O. V. МГТУ Tarasov V. A. МГТУ |
Features of the design of organizational and technical equipment for hydroelastic stamping presses | Steel in Translation |