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Тип публикации Авторы Заглавие Издание, год, номер, страницы
Статья в журнале Romanov A. V. МГТУ
Stepovich M. A.
Filippov M. N.
Use of models of secondary X-ray fluorescence spectra to determine the measurement conditions in X-ray spectral methods of material analysis Journal of Surface Investigation
2017 .- Vol. 11 , Issue 1 .- С. 211 - 215
Статья в журнале Andreev V. V. МГТУ
Bondarenko G. G.
Andreev D. V. МГТУ
Stolyarov A. A. МГТУ
Use of MIS Sensors of Radiation in High-Field Electron Injection Modes Journal of Contemporary Physics
2020 .- Vol. 55 , Issue 2 .- С. 144 - 150
Материал конференции Moiseev K. M. МГТУ
Nazarenko M. V.
Use of magnetron sputtering with liquid target in manufacturing of electronic components for spacecraft AIP Conference Proceedings
2019 .- Т. 2171 .- Art.no 170010
Статья в журнале Zinyagin A. G. МГТУ
Use of machine learning methods for determinatuon of the boundary conditions coefficients in a fem task for the case of accelerated cooling of hot-rolled sheet metal CIS Iron and Steel Review
2023 .- Vol. 25 .- С. 58 - 66
Статья в журнале Lunkov A. A. МГТУ
Petnikov V. G.
Sidorov D. D. МГТУ
Use of Linear Receiving Arrays for Observing Horizontal Refraction of Low-Frequency Sound in Shallow Water with a Strongly Inhomogeneous Waterlike Bottom Acoustical Physics
2022 .- Vol. 68 , Issue 4 .- С. 357 - 364
Материал конференции Frolova V. МГТУ
Chernyshenko O. МГТУ
Batarin A. МГТУ
Use of LiDAR technology for quantification and design of park, garden and urban tree structure IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
2021 .- Vol. 806 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012011
Материал конференции Chehri A.
Popova T. N.
Vinogradova N. V.
Burenina V. I. МГТУ
Use of Innovation and Emerging Technologies to Address Covid-19-Like Pandemics Challenges in Education Systems Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies
2021 .- Vol. 240 .- С. 441 - 450
Статья в журнале Marenich A. S. МГТУ
Use of information technologies in mathematical training of bachelors in liberal model of education Современная математика и концепции инновационного математического образования
2018 .- Т. 5 , № 1 .- С. 353 - 359
Материал конференции Polezhaev V. D. МГТУ
Polezhaeva L. N. МГТУ
Kamenev V. V.
Use of information and communication technologies for teaching physics at the Technical University AIP Conference Proceedings
2017 .- Vol. 1797 .- С. 1 - 10 .- Art.no 030013
Статья в журнале Ivashov S. I. МГТУ
Capineri L.
Bechtel T.
Razevig V. V. МГТУ
Zhuravlev A. V. МГТУ
Falorni P.
Use of holographic subsurface radar analysis in the preservation and restoration of cultural heritage objects Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties
2019 .- Vol. 7 , Issue 4 .- Art.no 045017
Статья в журнале Andreev D. V. МГТУ
Bondarenko G. G.
Andreev V. V. МГТУ
Stolyarov A. A. МГТУ
Use of high-field electron injection into dielectrics to enhance functional capabilities of radiation MOS sensors Sensors
2020 .- Vol. 20 , Issue 8 .- Art.no 2382
Статья в журнале Voronov V. A. МГТУ
Leonov V. P. МГТУ
Apsit K. A. МГТУ
Use of Heat-Utilizing Vehicle Refrigerating Machine Using Diesel Engine Waste Heat Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
2022 .- Vol. 57 , Issue 11-12 .- С. 997 - 1007
Статья в журнале Semenov M. Yu. МГТУ
Kai J. D. МГТУ
Smirnov A. E. МГТУ
Shevchenko S. Yu. МГТУ
Aleksandrov V. A.
Use of Glow Discharge Nitriding for Raising the Surface Hardness of Bearing Parts from Precision Nickel Alloys Metal Science and Heat Treatment
2019 .- Vol. 61 , Issue 3-4 .- С. 173 - 177
Материал конференции Shustilova M. МГТУ
Diakov A. S. МГТУ
Baev G. O. МГТУ
Use of functional and cost design for the snowmobile and motorcycle all-terrain equipment IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
2020 .- Vol. 820 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012037
Материал конференции Egorova O. V. МГТУ
Barbashov N. N. МГТУ
Use of Flywheel Energy Storage in Mobile Robots Mechanisms and Machine Science
2020 .- Vol. 83 .- С. 116 - 125
Статья в журнале Bondarenko V. L. МГТУ
Ilyinskaya D. N. МГТУ
Kazakova A. A. МГТУ
Kozlovtsev P. S. МГТУ
Lavrov N. A. МГТУ
Use of Digital Technologies for Selecting the Hydrogen Storage and Transportation Type Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
2022 .- Vol. 58 , Issue 1 .- С. 58 - 62
Материал конференции Golubev I. G. МГТУ
Bolotina M. N.
Golubev M. I. МГТУ
Bykov V. V. МГТУ
Use of coniferous bio additives for diesel fuel mixture IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
2021 .- Vol. 723 , Issue 2 .- Art.no 022015
Материал конференции Kruglov P. V. МГТУ
Kolpakov V. I. МГТУ
Use of composite materials to increase the effectiveness of variable-geometry aircraft IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
2019 .- Vol. 683 , Issue 1 .- С. 1 - 5 .- Art.no 012033
Статья в журнале Korotchenko A. Yu. МГТУ
Tverskoy M. V. МГТУ
Khilkov D. E. МГТУ
Khilkova A. A. МГТУ
Use of Coarse Powders in Injection Molding Process Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics
2020 .- Vol. 58 , Issue 11-12 .- С. 730 - 736
Материал конференции Dashkov A. A. МГТУ
Buzin D. V.
Slobodyanyuk D. A.
Use of Augmented Reality (AR) Technologies in Retail Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
2022 .- Vol. 368 LNNS .- С. 257 - 266
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