Поиск публикаций
Тип публикации | Авторы | Заглавие▼ | Издание, год, номер, страницы |
Материал конференции |
Golubev A. МГТУ
Loukachevitch N. |
Use of Augmentation and Distant Supervision for Sentiment Analysis in Russian |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Vol. 12848 LNAI
184 - 196
Статья в журнале |
Achkasov E. E.
Esipov A. V. Pekshev A. V. МГТУ Musailov V. A. |
Use of an Exogenous Nitric Oxide Generator for Treatment of Peritonitis | Biomedical Engineering |
Статья в журнале |
Korotchenko A. Yu. МГТУ
Khilkov D. E. МГТУ Tverskoy M. V. МГТУ Khilkova A. A. МГТУ |
Use of additive technologies for metal injection molding |
Engineering Solid Mechanics
Vol. 8
Issue 2
143 - 150
Статья в журнале |
Pokrovsky A. M. МГТУ
Matvienko Yu. G. Egranov M. P. МГТУ |
Use of a Two-Parameter Criterion for Predicting the Growth Trajectory of a Through Crack in a Compressed Disk | Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability |
Статья в журнале |
Murtazin R. МГТУ
Penrov N. |
Usage of pre-flight data in short rendezvous mission of soyuz-tma spacecrafts |
Acta Astronautica
Vol. 93
71 - 76
Статья в журнале |
Avdeeva A. P. МГТУ
Emel’yanov V. Y. МГТУ Novikov P. S. |
Upmarket strategy for the professional development of engineers with hearing impairments |
Revista Inclusiones
Т. 7
: SI
127 - 134
Статья в журнале |
Borovskii V. G. МГТУ
Ryzhikova T. N. МГТУ |
Upgrading Plants in the Processing Industry in Russia: Approaches to Design | Studies on Russian Economic Development |
Материал конференции |
Zimin A. M. МГТУ
Troynov V. МГТУ Zemtsov I. A. МГТУ |
Upgraded Plasma Spectroscopy Internet Laboratory |
Proceedings of the 2019 5th Experiment at International Conference
204 - 207
.- Art.no 8876541
Статья в журнале |
Barinov A. A. МГТУ
Liu Bin МГТУ Khvesyuk V. I. МГТУ Zhang Ke МГТУ |
Updated Model for Thermal Conductivity Calculation of Thin Films of Silicon and Germanium | Physics of Atomic Nuclei |
Статья в журнале |
Lebedeva O. K.
Snytko V. S. Kuznetsova I. I. Kultin D. Yu. Zakharov A. N. МГТУ Kustov L. M. |
Unusual Behavior of Fluorescein under Conditions of Electrochemical Oxidation in an Aqueous Phosphate Buffer Solution |
Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A
Vol. 93
Issue 1
168 - 172
Статья в журнале |
Azarova O.
Gvozdeva L. Kravchenko O. V. МГТУ |
Unsteady triple-shock configurations in high speed flows past combined cylinder AD bodies in different gas media |
WSEAS Transactions on Fluid Mechanics
Vol. 13
77 - 86
Статья в журнале |
Konopel'ko N. A.
Titarev V. A. Shakhov E. M. МГТУ |
Unsteady rarefied gas flow in a microchannel driven by a pressure difference | Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics |
Статья в журнале |
Gurchenkov A. A. МГТУ
Unsteady motion of viscous electrically conductive fluid rotating in half-space bounded by a wall in the presence of medium injection (suction) |
Вестник МГТУ им.Н.Э.Баумана. Серия "Машиностроение"
№ 1
107 - 118
Статья в журнале |
Il'ichev A. T. МГТУ
Sumskoi S. I. Shargatov V. A. |
Unsteady Flows in Deformable Pipes: The Energy Conservation Law | Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics |
Статья в журнале |
Vishnyakov V. I. МГТУ
Vishnyakova S. M. Druzhinin P. V. МГТУ Pokrovskii L. D. МГТУ |
Unsteady flow of an electrically conducting Bingham fluid in a plane magnetohydrodynamic channel | Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics |
Статья в журнале |
Polyanin A. D. МГТУ
Zhurov A. L. |
Unsteady axisymmetric boundary-layer equations: Transformations, properties, exact solutions, order reduction and solution method |
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics
Vol. 74
40 - 50
Статья в журнале |
Muhammed Alhelou МГТУ
Gavrilov A. I. МГТУ |
Unscented Kalman-filter to manage the handling-comfort trade-off of quarter-of-vehicle | Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control |
Материал конференции |
Anishchenko L. N. МГТУ
Lobanova V. Korostovtseva L. Bochkarev M. Sviryaev Y. |
Unobtrusive Respiratory Monitoring of Sleeping Subjects by Multiple Bioradars |
2021 34th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science, URSI GASS 2021
Статья в журнале |
Gudkov S. V.
Guryev E. L. Gapeyev A. B. Sharapov M. G. Bunkin N. F. МГТУ Shkirin A. V. Zabelina T. S. Glinushkin A. P. Sevost'yanov M. A. et all. |
Unmodified hydrated С60 fullerene molecules exhibit antioxidant properties, prevent damage to DNA and proteins induced by reactive oxygen species and protect mice against injuries caused by radiation-induced oxidative stress | Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine |
Материал конференции |
Safonov B. A. МГТУ
Travnikov A. N. МГТУ |
Unmanned all-terrain cargo and passenger transportation system for operation conditions when automobile roads are unavailable | Journal of Physics: Conference Series |