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Тип публикации Авторы Заглавие Издание, год, номер, страницы
Статья в журнале Pogodina T. V.
Khoroshavina N. S.
Lobacheva E. N. МГТУ
Pilipenko P. P.
Rybina G. A. МГТУ
Transformations of Consumer Behaviour In The "New" Economy Amazonia Investiga
Статья в журнале Polyanin A. D. МГТУ
Transformations and exact solutions of unsteady-state axisymmetric boundary layer equations Doklady Physics
2015 .- Vol. 60 , Issue 7 .- С. 319 - 322
Статья в журнале Antipov V. I.
Galakhov A. V.
Vinogradov L. V.
Kolmakov A. G. МГТУ
Baranov E. E.
Lazarev E. M.
Aladyev N. A.
Mukhina Yu. E.
Transformation-strengthened ZrO2-CeO2 ceramic on the basis of powders synthesized using the ultrasonic spray pyrolysis method Inorganic Materials: Applied Research
2013 .- Vol. 2 , Issue 5 .- С. 499 - 502
Статья в журнале Akberdina V.
Kalinina A.
Vlasov A. I. МГТУ
Transformation stages of the Russian industrial complex in the context of economy digitization Problems and Perspectives in Management
2018 .- Vol. 16 , Issue 3 .- С. 201 - 211
Материал конференции Samoldin A. N. МГТУ
Lagunova M. S. МГТУ
Transformation of the environmental management system model in the context of digitalization of production AIP Conference Proceedings
2022 .- Vol. 2383 .- Art.no 070011
Статья в журнале Lavrov N. N.
Sysoev V. V.
Seleznev V. N.
Loginova V. V. МГТУ
Transformation of Social Attitudes at the Stage of Professional Adaptation of Village School Teachers Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications
2020 .- Vol. 13 , Issue 9 : SL .- С. 98 - 104
Статья в журнале Isaev S. A.
Leontiev A. I. МГТУ
Gul’tsova M. E.
Popov I. A.
Transformation and intensification of tornado-like flow in a narrow channel during elongation of an oval dimple with constant area Technical Physics Letters
2015 .- Vol. 41 , Issue 6 .- С. 606 - 609
Статья в журнале Sokolov S. A.
Radaev A. I.
Kravtsova O. A.
Bulkin S. Yu.
Cherepnin Yu. S. МГТУ
Lukichev V. A.
Transfer of the VVR-K Research Reactor to Low-Enrichment Uranium Fuel as a Basis for the Development and Adoption of VVR-KN Fuel Assemblies Atomic Energy
2015 .- Т. 118 , № 2 .- С. 85 - 90
Статья в журнале Semenov M. Yu. МГТУ
Kraposhin V. S. МГТУ
Talis A. L.
Simich-Lafitskii N. D. МГТУ
Transfer of Diagonals in a Rhombus: Elementary Act of Polymorphic Transformation. Analysis of the Energy Threshold of Transformation in Metals Metal Science and Heat Treatment
2020 .- Vol. 62 , Issue 1-2 .- С. 109 - 118
Материал конференции Golubev A. МГТУ
Loukachevitch N.
Transfer Learning for Improving Results on Russian Sentiment Datasets Komp'juternaja Lingvistika i Intellektual'nye Tehnologii
2021 .- Vol. 2021-June , Issue 20 .- С. 268 - 277
Материал конференции Kornyushin Yu. P. МГТУ
Klimanova E. V.
Maksimov A. V. МГТУ
Transfer Function Multidimensional Frequency Graphs of the Control System Dynamic Links AIP Conference Proceedings
2023 .- Vol. 2549 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 190007
Материал конференции Boyarintsev V. D. МГТУ
Boyarintseva T. E. МГТУ
Gvozdev N. P. МГТУ
Kobzeva V. M. МГТУ
Trajectory portraits for the two perturbed centrally symmetric systems of point vortices Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2019 .- Vol. 1392 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012004
Материал конференции Leonov V. V. МГТУ
Grishko D. A. МГТУ
Zarubin V. S. (Jr) МГТУ
Trajectories with Multiple Atmosphere Re-entries and Anisotropic Heat-Shielding Materials: Analysis of Impact on the Temperature Reduction on the Surface of a Re-entry Module Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC Volume 2021
Статья в журнале Savin A. S. МГТУ
Il’ichev A. T. МГТУ
Shashkov Yu. A. МГТУ
Trajectories of Liquid Particles in a Dark Soliton Field in a Fluid Beneath an Ice Cover Fluid Dynamics
2023 .- Vol. 58 , Issue 6 .- С. 1076 - 1086
Материал конференции Krishchenko A. P. МГТУ
Trajectories Behavior of the Duffing Equation with External Unknown Forcing AIP Conference Proceedings
2019 .- Т. 2116 .- Art.no 380002
Статья в журнале Nikolayeva N. N. МГТУ
Semenova A. A. МГТУ
Training technical university postgraduates how to use intertextual strategies in their written academic texts in english На пересечении языков и культур. Актуальные вопросы гуманитарного знания
2021 .- № 3 (21) .- С. 209 - 214
Глава книги Bodiako A. V.
Krupnov Y. A.
Ponomareva S. V.
Rogulenko T. M.
Kemkhashvili T. A. МГТУ
Training of the digital workforce from today’s youth: individualization versus standardization Education in the Asia-Pacific Region
2022 .- С. 259 - 265
( Education in the Asia-Pacific Region: Issues, Concerns and Prospects ; Vol. 65 )
Материал конференции Skorikova T. P. МГТУ
Romanova N. N. МГТУ
Orlov E. A. МГТУ
Training of intercultural communication using didactic resources of virtual e-learning environment EDULEARN19. 11th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
2019 .- С. 1224 - 1230
Материал конференции Burenina V. I. МГТУ
Konovalova S. A.
Training of a technical specialist for teaching activities AIP Conference Proceedings
2022 .- Vol. 2383 .- Art.no 070001
Материал конференции Zablotskii V. МГТУ
Training computer programs for the geodesy and cartography students: Determining the coordinates of points using the geodetic intersection and resection International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM
2019 .- Vol. 19 , Issue 2.2 .- С. 399 - 406
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