Поиск публикаций
Тип публикации | Авторы | Заглавие▼ | Издание, год, номер, страницы |
Материал конференции |
Astahov M. V. МГТУ
Sorokina I. I. МГТУ Slavkina E. V. МГТУ |
To the question of an experimental assessment of the fatigue characteristics of a transversal metal-composite compound |
Solid State Phenomena
Issue 299 SSP
241 - 245
Статья в журнале |
Grechishnikova N. P. МГТУ
To the problem of moral harmony |
European science review
№ 1
190 - 191
Материал конференции |
Nikabadze M. U. МГТУ
Ulukhanyan A. R. МГТУ |
To the Modeling of multilayer Thin Prismatic Bodies |
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Vol. 683
Issue 1
.- Art.no 012019
Материал конференции |
Fetisov D. A. МГТУ
To the Linearization Problem for Single-Input Control Affine Systems | Journal of Physics: Conference Series |
Статья в журнале |
Lebedev S. A. МГТУ
To the issue of new epistemology: imitating B.Latour |
Вопросы философии и психологии
№ 2(2)
48 - 59
Материал конференции |
Gouskov A. M. МГТУ
Panovko G. Ya. МГТУ Shokhin A. МГТУ |
To the issue of control resonant oscillations of a vibrating machine with two self-synchronizing inertial exciters |
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
Vol. 58
515 - 526
Материал конференции |
Kushnarev L. I. МГТУ
Kushnarev S. L. МГТУ |
To the concept of improving the quality of technology for the arctic zone of the russian federation |
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Vol. 963
Issue 1
.- Art.no 012019
Материал конференции |
Nikabadze M. U. МГТУ
Ulukhanyan A. R. МГТУ Sakhvadze G. |
To mathematical modeling of deformation of micropolar thin bodies with two small sizes | Journal of Physics: Conference Series |
Статья в журнале |
Pelevin F. V. МГТУ
Ponomarev A. V. МГТУ |
To Calculation of Regenerative Cooling of a Liquid Fuel Rocket Engine Chamber |
Russian Aeronautics
Vol. 61
No 1
74 - 80
Статья в журнале |
Bryzhin A. A.
Tarkhanova I. G. МГТУ Gantman M. G. Rudnev V. S. Vasilyeva M. S. Lukiyanchuk I. V. |
Titanium-supported W-containing PEO layers enriched with Mn or Zn in oxidative desulfurization and the zwitterionic liquid effect |
Surface and Coatings Technology
Vol. 393
.- Art.no 125746
Статья в журнале |
Kuzin E.
AverinaY. Kurbatov A. Kruchinina N. Boldyrev V. S. МГТУ |
Titanium-Containing Coagulants in Wastewater Treatment Processes in the Alcohol Industry | Processes |
Материал конференции |
Yakusheva N. A. МГТУ
Proletarsky A. V. МГТУ Basarab M. A. МГТУ |
Timing Analysis for LOT-Based Vehicle-Pedestrian Collision Avoidance for NLOS Conditions |
2018 3rd International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies, SpliTech 2018
.- Art.no 8448355
Материал конференции |
Yakusheva N. A. МГТУ
Proletarsky A. V. МГТУ Basarab M. A. МГТУ |
Timing analysis for IoT-based vehicle-pedestrian collision avoidance for NLOS condition |
IEEE Conference in Smart and Sustainable Technologies (SpliTech)
192 - 196
Статья в журнале |
Dmitriev A. N. МГТУ
Kotin V. V. МГТУ |
Time series prediction of morbidity using artificial neural networks | Biomedical Engineering |
Материал конференции |
Ivanyuk V. A. МГТУ
Tsvirkun A. МГТУ |
Time series analysis and financial asset forecasting methods |
Proceedings of 2021 14th International Conference Management of Large-Scale System Development, MLSD 2021
Материал конференции |
Nefedov G. МГТУ
Time-scaling for increasing a relative degree of single-input single-output affine systems |
Proceedings of 2018 14th International Conference Stability and Oscillations of Nonlinear Control Systems (Pyatnitskiys Conference), STAB 2018
Спец.выпуск 14th International Conference "Stability and Oscillations of Nonlinear Control Systems" (Pyatnitskiy's Conference), STAB 2018
Статья в журнале |
Bunkin N. F. МГТУ
Lyakhov G. A. Kozlov V. A. МГТУ Shkirin A. V. Molchanov I. I. МГТУ Vu M. T. МГТУ Bereza I. S. МГТУ Bolikov N. G. МГТУ Fouilhe V. L. Golyak Igor S. МГТУ Golyak Ilya S. МГТУ Fufurin I. L. МГТУ Gorelik V. S. МГТУ Uspenskaya E. V. Nguyen H. S. Gudkov S. V. |
Time dependence of the luminescence from a polymer membrane swollen in water: Concentration and isotopic effects : Erratum to | Physics of Wave Phenomena |
Статья в журнале |
Bunkin N. F. МГТУ
Lyakhov G. A. Kozlov V. A. МГТУ Shkirin A. V. Molchanov I. I. Vu M. T. Bereza I. S. МГТУ Bolikov N. G. Fouilhe V. L. Golyak Igor S. МГТУ Golyak Ilya S. МГТУ Fufurin I. L. МГТУ Gorelik V. S. МГТУ Uspenskaya E. V. Nguyen H. S. Gudkov S. V. |
Time dependence of the luminescence from a polymer membrane swollen in water: concentration and isotopic effects |
Physics of Wave Phenomena
Vol. 25
Issue 4
259 - 271
Статья в журнале |
Torubarova T. V. МГТУ
Time and Principle of Identity in Hegel’s Metaphysical Comprehension | Espacios |
Материал конференции |
Tsarkov A. V. МГТУ
Trukhanov K. Y. МГТУ Zybin I. N. МГТУ Vichniakov A. |
Tilt Angle Effect on Friction Stir Welding Conditions |
Key Engineering Materials
Vol. 910 KEM
115 - 122
DOI: 10.4028/p-4rlc0e