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Тип публикации Авторы Заглавие Издание, год, номер, страницы
Материал конференции Fedorenko Y. МГТУ
Chernenkiy V. M. МГТУ
Gapanyuk Yu. E. МГТУ
The Neural Network for Online Learning Task without Manual Feature Extraction. Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Статья в журнале Aisina R. B.
Mukhametova L. I. МГТУ
Ivanova E. M.
The nature of the inhibitory action of anionic polyamidoamine dendrimers of generation 1.5 - 3.5 on the activity of the fibrinolytic system Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry
2020 .- Vol. 46 , No 5 .- С. 787 - 797
Статья в журнале Vasil'ev N. V. МГТУ
Zeigarnik Yu. A.
Khodakov K. A.
Fedulunko V. M.
The Nature of "Gas" Burnout High Temperature
2015 .- Vol. 53 , Issue 6 .- С. 837 - 840
Статья в журнале Bednov B. B. МГТУ
The n-antiproximinal sets Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin
2015 .- Vol. 70 , Issue 3 .- С. 130 - 135
Материал конференции Mukhin A. МГТУ
Ganina G. МГТУ
Mozgin S. МГТУ
Ostrovskiy Yu. МГТУ
Yakovleva A. P. МГТУ
The multifaceted role of material production in society IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
2019 .- Vol. 589 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012024
Статья в журнале Olshvang O. Y. МГТУ
Gvozdeva D.
Deputatova N.
Batueva A.
Sokolova N.
Tretyak E.
The motivation of master's students with the use of online courses Revista Conrado
2024 .- Vol. 20 , Issue 97 .- С. 441 - 448
Статья в журнале Smol’yakov E. R. МГТУ
The Most Common Concept of Equilibrium for Conflict Problems with Side Interests Cybernetics and Systems Analysis
2017 .- Vol. 53 , Issue 3 .- С. 346 - 357
Статья в журнале Gavrilev S. МГТУ
Ivanov M. V. МГТУ
Totunov S. МГТУ
The monitoring of the liquid-gas mixture parameters by the passive acoustic method Akustika
2021 .- Vol. 39 .- С. 150 - 153
Статья в журнале Raevskiy D. N.
Stepanova I. E. МГТУ
The modified method of S-approximations: regional version Izvestiya. Physics of the Solid Earth
2015 .- Vol. 51 , No 2 .- С. 197 - 206
Статья в журнале Semenov A. B. МГТУ
Fomina O. N.
Muranov A. N. МГТУ
Kutsbakh A. A. МГТУ
Semenov B. I. МГТУ
The modern market of blank productions in mechanical engineering and the problem of standardization of new materials and technological processes Advanced Materials and Technologies
2019 .- № 1 .- С. 3 - 11
Статья в журнале Komissarov I.
Nekhamkin V. A. МГТУ
The Models of Historical Cognition: Current Status and Prospects of Development Istoriya-elektronnyi nauchno-obrazovatelnyi zhurnal
2017 .- Vol. 8 , Issue 2
Статья в журнале Fomin I. V. МГТУ
The models of cosmological inflation in the context of kinetic approximation Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2016 .- Vol. 731 , No 1 .- Art.no 012004
Материал конференции Gorlacheva E. N. МГТУ
Drogovoz P. A. МГТУ
Omelchenko I. N. МГТУ
Shiboldenkov V. A. МГТУ
Yusufova O. M. МГТУ
The Modelling of the Production Factors' Prediction in the Radio- Electronic Industry Proceedings of the 2022 4th International Youth Conference on Radio Electronics, Electrical and Power Engineering, REEPE 2022
Материал конференции Kruglov P. V. МГТУ
Kolpakov V. I. МГТУ
Bolotina I. A. МГТУ
The modeling of the process of forming elongated elements from segment liners for testing antimeteoroidal protection for spacecraft AIP Conference Proceedings
2021 .- Vol. 2318 .- Art.no 150004
Материал конференции Kruglov P. V. МГТУ
Kolpakov V. I. МГТУ
Bolotina I. A. МГТУ
The modeling of the process of forming elongated elements from segment liners for testing anti-meteoroidal protection for spacecraft AIP Conference Proceedings
2021 .- Vol. 2318 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 150004
Статья в журнале Lyu B. МГТУ
Khvesyuk V. I. МГТУ
Barinov A. A. МГТУ
The Modeling of the Kapitza Conductance through Rough Interfaces between Solid Bodies Physics of the Solid State
2021 .- Vol. 63 , Issue 7 .- С. 1042 - 1047
Материал конференции Omelchenko I. N. МГТУ
Drogovoz P. A. МГТУ
Gorlacheva E. N. МГТУ
Shiboldenkov V. A. МГТУ
Yusufova O. M. МГТУ
The modeling of the efficiency in the new generation manufacturing-distributive systems based on the cognitive production factors IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
2019 .- Vol. 630 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012020
Материал конференции Filobokova L. МГТУ
The model of governance of food security and agro-industrial complex of Russia in conditions of globalization IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
2018 .- Vol. 274 , Issue 1 .- С. 1 - 6 .- Art.no 012065
Материал конференции Karpukhin V. A. МГТУ
Klimiashvili G. S. МГТУ
Mustafina K. S. МГТУ
The model for computation of electroaerosol flows in human respiratory system for bronchial asthma treatment Proceedings - 2019 Ural Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, Radioelectronics and Information Technology, USBEREIT 2019
2019 .- С. 5 - 8 .- Art.no 8736604
Материал конференции Karpukhin V. A. МГТУ
Mustafina K. S. МГТУ
Klimiashvili G. S. МГТУ
The model for computation of electroaerosol flows for burn injuries treatment Proceedings - 2018 Ural Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, Radioelectronics and Information Technology, USBEREIT 2018
2018 .- С. 64 - 67
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