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Тип публикации Авторы Заглавие Издание, год, номер, страницы
Статья в журнале Gusev A. V.
Litvinov D. A. МГТУ
Rudenko V. N.
The inverse problem of estimating the gravitational time dilation Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics
2016 .- Vol. 123 , Issue 5 .- С. 814 - 821
Статья в журнале Gladyshev V. O. МГТУ
Strunin A. G. МГТУ
The interference response of space microsatellite having the form of the Luneberg lens Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2017 .- Vol. 918 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012045
Материал конференции Orekhovskaya N. A. МГТУ
Seregina T. N.
Zamaraeva E. I.
Kushnir D. Y.
The Intercultural Communications in the Global World: Methods and Tools for Building Relevant Models Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
2020 .- Vol. 129 LNNS .- С. 93 - 102
Материал конференции Manzhirov A. V. МГТУ
Kazakov K. E. МГТУ
Parshin D. A. МГТУ
The interaction between a surface nonuniform foundation and a regular system of punches with rough bases Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science
2018 .- Vol. 2236 : 2018 World Congress on Engineering, WCE 2018; Imperial College LondonLondon; United Kingdom; 4 July 2018 до 6 July 2018 .- С. 563 - 566
Материал конференции Manzhirov A. V. МГТУ
Kazakov K. E. МГТУ
The interaction between a coated foundation and a rigid punch with rough surface Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science
2017 .- Vol. 2230 : 2017 World Congress on Engineering, WCE 2017 .- С. 993 - 996
Статья в журнале Eliseeva E. A. МГТУ
Berezina S. L. МГТУ
Gorichev I. G.
Slynko L. E. МГТУ
Goryacheva V. N. МГТУ
The Initial Surface Structure of Co3O4 as a Factor of Influence on Kinetic Features of the Dissolution of the Solid Phase Вестник МГТУ им.Н.Э.Баумана. Серия "Естественные науки"
Материал конференции Barzov A. A.
Galinovsky A. L. МГТУ
Provatorov A. S. МГТУ
The information-physical mechanism of diagnostic of the functional coatings erosive wear by water jet IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
2019 .- Vol. 683 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012028
Материал конференции Gremitskiy I. МГТУ
Levadniy I. МГТУ
Dmitriev A. N. МГТУ
The Influence of Vibro-Tactile Finger Stimulation Parameters on P300 Characteristics Changes for Rehabilitation: Pilot Study on Healthy Subjects Proceedings - 2021 Ural Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, Radioelectronics and Information Technology, USBEREIT 2021
2021 .- С. 137 - 140 .- Art.no 9455117
Статья в журнале Arapov Yu. D.
Dyakov V. A .
Grechin S. G. МГТУ
Kasyanov I. V.
The influence of thermal deformation processes on frequency conversion in an LBO crystal Laser Physics Letters
2014 .- Vol. 11 , Issue 12 .- Art.no 125402
Материал конференции Volodin O. A
Pecherkin N. I.
Pavlenko A. N
Zubkov N. N. МГТУ
The influence of the surface structuring type on heat transfer in falling films of the refrigerant mixture Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2019 .- Vol. 1369 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012046
Статья в журнале Aleksandrov S. E.
Lyamina E. A.
Novozhilova O. V. МГТУ
The influence of the relationship between yield strength and temperature on the stress state in a thin hollow disk Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability
Статья в журнале Kavtaradze R. Z. МГТУ
Onischenko D. O. МГТУ
Golosov A. S. МГТУ
Zelentsov A. МГТУ
Chen Zh.
Sakhvadze G. Zh.
The Influence of the “Piston Heat Belt–Sleeve” Gap on Heat Exchange in the Combustion Chamber of an Engine Depending on the Fuel Utilized Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability
2022 .- Vol. 51 , Issue 2 .- С. 112 - 120
Статья в журнале Polyanskii A. M.
Polyanskii V. M. МГТУ
The Influence of the Microstructure and Phase Composition on Technological Embrittlement of Heatproof Copper-Nickel Alloy Inorganic Materials: Applied Research
2021 .- Vol. 12 , Issue 1 .- С. 76 - 82
Статья в журнале Bessonov I. V. МГТУ
Morozov A. S. МГТУ
Kopitsyna M. N. МГТУ
Nelyub V. A. МГТУ
Skidchenko V. Yu. МГТУ
Karlova P. V. МГТУ
The influence of the length and concentration of chopped carbon fiber on physical and mechanical properties of siloxane matrix Polymer Science. Series D
2017 .- Vol. 10 , Issue 1 .- С. 59 - 61
Статья в журнале Ivashkin V. V. МГТУ
The Influence of the Earth’s Oblateness on the Energy Integral and Some Characteristics of a Spacecraft’s Orbit Cosmic Research
2021 .- Vol. 59 , Issue 5
Статья в журнале Zavarzin V. I. МГТУ
Kaledin S. B. МГТУ
Yakubovskiy S. V. МГТУ
The influence of the aperture stop fractal shape of an optical system on the illuminance distribution Вестник МГТУ им.Н.Э.Баумана. Серия "Приборостроение"
Статья в журнале Fadeev G. N. МГТУ
Kuznetsov N. N. МГТУ
Beloborodova E. F. МГТУ
Matakova S. A.
The influence of the acoustic resonance frequency on chemical reactions in solution Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A
2011 .- Vol. 84 , Issue 13 .- С. 2254 - 2258
Материал конференции Vasilyev A. O.
Govorov A. V.
Shiryaev A. A.
Pushkarev A. V. МГТУ
Pushkar D. Yu.
The influence of temperature and freezing time on the cryoablation effectiveness in an experiment Refrigeration Science and Technology
2018 .- Т. 2018 - September .- С. 34 - 38
Материал конференции Mousokhranov M. V. МГТУ
Kalmykov V. V. МГТУ
Logutenkova E. V. МГТУ
The influence of technological parameters on physical and mechanical properties of surfaces IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
2019 .- Vol. 483 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012054
Статья в журнале Khasanshin R. H. МГТУ
Novikov L. S.
The Influence of Proton Irradiation on Properties of Glass with ITO Coating Optics and Spectroscopy
2019 .- Vol. 127 , Issue 5 .- С. 888 - 893
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