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Тип публикации Авторы Заглавие Издание, год, номер, страницы
Материал конференции Gapanyuk Yu. E. МГТУ
The development of the metagraph data and knowledge model CEUR Workshop Proceedings
2021 .- Vol. 2965 .- С. 1 - 7
Статья в журнале Vasiljeva M.
Ponkratov V.
Volkova T. МГТУ
Khairova S.
Nikitina N.
Dudnik O.
Alimova M.
Kuznetsov N.
Elyakova I.
The Development of Scientific Activity in Russian Universities Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity
2020 .- Vol. 6 , Issue 4 .- С. 1 - 18 .- Art.no 110
Материал конференции Korotchenko A. Yu. МГТУ
Khilkov D. E. МГТУ
Tverskoy M. V. МГТУ
The Development of New Materials and Modes of Casting Metal Powder Mixtures (MIM Technology) Materials Science Forum
2018 .- Vol. 945 .- С. 538 - 542
Материал конференции Magnitsky I. V. МГТУ
Odinabekov F. R.
Sergeeva E. S. МГТУ
The development of multi-directional spatially reinforced material structural theory Solid State Phenomena
Статья в журнале Vasil`eva M. V.
Ivleva M. I.
Volkov Yu. G.
Karaev A. K.
Nikitina N. I.
Podzorova M. I. МГТУ
The development of meta-competencies in undergraduate students using personality development theory Opcion
2019 .- Vol. 35 , Issue Special 23 .- С. 1524 - 1543
Материал конференции Kokoulin A. N.
Kokoulin R. A. МГТУ
The Development of a System for Objects Recognition in Reverse Vending Machine Using Machine Learning Technologies 2021 International Conference on Data Analytics for Business and Industry, ICDABI 2021
2021 .- С. 578 - 582
Материал конференции Uss A. Yu. МГТУ
Pugachuk A. S. МГТУ
Chernyshev A. V. МГТУ
Tukhbatullin F. G.
The Development of a Stand for Visualizing and Studying the Gas Flow in the Flow Cavity of a Vortex Jet Device AIP Conference Proceedings
2020 .- Vol. 2285 .- Art.no 030011
Статья в журнале Ilyukhina A. A. МГТУ
Kolpakov V. I. МГТУ
Veltishchev V. V. МГТУ
Galinovsky A. L. МГТУ
Khakhalin A. V.
The Development of a Physico-Mathematical Model for the Functioning of an Underwater Waterjet Cutting Machine Moscow University Physics Bulletin
2020 .- Vol. 75 , Issue 2 .- С. 167 - 174
Материал конференции Barzov A. A.
Galinovsky A. L. МГТУ
Vyshegorodtseva A. S. МГТУ
Kobernik N. V. МГТУ
The development of a new method for the materials abrasion resistance diagnostics AIP Conference Proceedings
2021 .- Vol. 2318 .- Art.no 150008
Статья в журнале Marakhova A.
Zhilkina V.
Elapov A. A. МГТУ
Sachivkina N.
Samorodov A.
Pupykina K.
Krylova I.
Kezimana P.
Stoynova A.
Venkatesan R.
The Development of a Method for Obtaining Tripleurospermum inodorum (L.) Sch. Bip. Herb Extract Enriched with Flavonoids and an Evaluation of Its Biological Activity Plants
2024 .- Vol. 13 , No 12 .- Art.no 1629
Материал конференции Karakozova A.
Kuznetsov S. V. МГТУ
Mondrus V.
Bratov V.
The devastating 06.02.2023 Turkey -? Syria earthquake of extreme intensity XI: Aposteriori estimates and damage prevention E3S Web of Conferences
2023 .- Vol. 410 .- Art.no 03001
Материал конференции Salienko N. МГТУ
Klyueva V. МГТУ
Pavlova I. I. МГТУ
The Determination of Key Competencies for Managers in Russian High-Tech Companies in the Context of the Transition to a New Technological Paradigm Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
2022 .- Vol. 410 LNNS .- С. 493 - 500
Материал конференции Makarova M. A.
Serebryakova O. I.
Guskov S. J. МГТУ
The design quality indicators and a transport infrastructure objects quality interrelation Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, ElConRus 2019
2019 .- С. 1432 - 1434 .- Art.no 8656783
Статья в журнале Boyko S. Yu.
Karatsuba V. I.
Shevenionov D. N.
Kuklev A, V.
Longinov A. M.
Tinyakov V. V.
Danilov V. L. МГТУ
The Design of a Continuous Casting Machine for Production of Quality Billets from Steels With a Wide Range of Grades Metallurgist
2014 .- Vol. 57 , Issue 9-10 .- С. 891 - 898
Материал конференции Terekhova N. Yu. МГТУ
Egorova O. V.
Brekalov V. G. МГТУ
Spasskaya D. D. МГТУ
The Design methodology of Bauman Moscow State Technical University Mechanisms and Machine Science
2019 .- Vol. 73 .- С. 843 - 851
Статья в журнале Zhang Z. МГТУ
Zimin V. N. МГТУ
Krylov A. V. МГТУ
Churilin S. A. МГТУ
The definite questions of simulation of transformable space structures dynamics Сибирский журнал науки и технологий
2019 .- Т. 20 , № 1 .- С. 68 - 73
Статья в журнале Slitikov P. V. МГТУ
Rasadkina E. N
Vasyanina L. K
Nifantyev E. E
The Cyclic Bisamidophosphites on the Basis of 1,6- dihydroxynaphthalene Russian Chemical Bulletin
2013 .- Vol. 62 , No 9 .- С. 2011 - 2018
Материал конференции Karpov A. O МГТУ
The Creative Space of University as a Cognitive-Generative System Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
2018 .- Vol. 722 : Intelligent Human Systems Integration. IHSI 2018 .- С. 727 - 732
Статья в журнале Baryshnikova O. O. МГТУ
The creation of clean robots on the basis of a flexible elastic thin-walled elements International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research
2019 .- Vol. 8 , Issue 5 .- С. 759 - 763
Статья в журнале Krishchenko A. P. МГТУ
Chetverikov V. N. МГТУ
The Covering Method for the Solution of Terminal Control Problems Doklady Mathematics
2015 .- Vol. 92 , Issue 2 .- С. 646 - 650
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