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Тип публикации Авторы Заглавие Издание, год, номер, страницы
Статья в журнале Torkunova J. V.
Ilichev V. Yu. МГТУ
Drach V. E.
Chubarov F. L.
Pacukevich A. N.
Utilizing deep learning technologies to form pricing models Экономика и управление: проблемы, решения
2024 .- Т. 3 , № 6 (147) .- С. 262 - 269
Материал конференции Markov V. A. МГТУ
Kamaltdinov V. G.
Savastenko A. A.
Utilization of Variable Consumption Biofuel in Diesel Engine Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2018 .- Vol. 944 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012076
Статья в журнале Latypov R. A.
Serov A. V. МГТУ
Serov N. V.
Ignatkin I. Yu. МГТУ
Utilization of the Wastes of Mechanical Engineering and Metallurgy in the Process of Hardening and Restoration of Machine Parts. Part 2 Metallurgist
2021 .- Vol. 65 , Issue 5-6 .- С. 689 - 695
Статья в журнале Latypov R. A.
Serov A. V. МГТУ
Serov N. V.
Ignatkin I. Yu.
Utilization of the wastes of mechanical engineering and metallurgy in the process of hardening and restoration of machine part 2 Metallurgist
2021 .- Vol. 65 , Issue 5-6 .- С. 689 - 695
Статья в журнале Latypov R. A.
Serov A. V. МГТУ
Serov N. V.
Ignatkin I. Yu.
Utilization of the wastes of mechanical engineering and metallurgy in the process of hardening and restoration of machine part 1 Metallurgist
2021 .- Vol. 65 , Issue 5-6 .- С. 578 - 585
Статья в журнале Latypov R. A.
Serov A. V. МГТУ
Serov N. V.
Ignatkin I. Yu. МГТУ
Utilization of the Wastes of Mechanical Engineering and Metallurgy in the Process of Hardening and Restoration of Machine Parts. Part 1 Metallurgist
2021 .- Vol. 65 , Issue 5-6 .- С. 587 - 585
Статья в журнале Mayorova V. I. МГТУ
Samburov S. N
Zhdanovich O. V.
Strashinsky V. A.
Utilization of the International Space Station for education and popularization of space research Acta Astronautica
2014 .- Vol. 98 , Issue 1 .- С. 147 - 154
Статья в журнале Bondarenko V. L. МГТУ
D’yachenko T. V.
Utilization of LNG Exergy. Main Directions Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
2020 .- Vol. 56 , Issue 3-4 .- С. 247 - 254
Материал конференции Tatarinov V. V. МГТУ
Zubrev N. I.
Zhuravleva M. A.
Ustinova M. V.
Pashinin V. A.
Utilization of fuel oil ash in injection solutions IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
2021 .- Vol. 864 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012054
Материал конференции Semenova E.
Tynchenko V. S. МГТУ
Chashchina S.
Suetin V.
Stashkevich A.
Using UML to Describe the Development of Software Products Using an Object Approach 2022 IEEE International IOT, Electronics and Mechatronics Conference, IEMTRONICS 2022
2022 .- Art.no 9795777
Статья в журнале Abashin M. I. МГТУ
Barzov A. A.
Bochkarev S. V.
Galinovsky A. L. МГТУ
Maslov B. G. МГТУ
Using ultrastream diagnostics for evaluating the quality of welded joints Welding International
2015 .- № 9 .- С. 730 - 733
Статья в журнале Frolovtseva O. S. МГТУ
Using TV shows in language teaching: Russian and overseas experience На пересечении языков и культур. Актуальные вопросы гуманитарного знания
2023 .- № 3(27) .- С. 457 - 463
Материал конференции Inozemtseva K. M. МГТУ
Kirsanova G. V. МГТУ
Troufanova N. O. МГТУ
Semenova E. L. МГТУ
Using ThingLink Digital Posters in Teaching ESP to Business and Economics Students Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovations (ICERI 2018)
2018 .- С. 3487 - 3492
Материал конференции Inozemtseva K. M. МГТУ
Kirsanova G. V. МГТУ
Troufanova N. O. МГТУ
Semenova Y. МГТУ
Using thinglink digital posters in teaching esp to business and economics students (a case study of Bauman Moscow State Technical University) Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation Conference (ICERI2018). (12th-14th November) 2018. Sevilla (Spain).
2018 .- С. 3487 - 3492
Статья в журнале Koryanov V. V. МГТУ
Kazakovtsev V. P. МГТУ
Toporkov A. G. МГТУ
Nedogarok A. A. МГТУ
Using the technology of inflatable structures for the removal of spacecraft's from low orbits International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research
2019 .- Vol. 8 , Issue 3 .- С. 424 - 429
Статья в журнале Ivanov A. S. МГТУ
Using the Reliability Functions for Individual Types of Faults to Minimize Testing Russian Engineering Research
2020 .- Vol. 40 , Issue 6 .- С. 463 - 466
Материал конференции Sidnyaev N. I. МГТУ
Askerova А. А. МГТУ
Using the properties K-orthogonality for the transformation of the transition matrix between states of the spacecraft AIP Conference Proceedings
2019 .- Vol. 2171 .- С. 1 - 6 .- Art.no 130013
Статья в журнале Kostenko A. A. МГТУ
Leonov V. P. МГТУ
Rosenoer T. M. МГТУ
Parkin A. N. МГТУ
Polikarpov A. V. МГТУ
Using the Direct and Reverse Rankine Cycles to Create a Water-Cooling Chiller Running on Waste Heat Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
2016 .- Vol. 51 , Issue 11-12 .- С. 778 - 782
Материал конференции Serebrennyj V. V. МГТУ
Alkhanov D. S. МГТУ
Using the computing module X-Plane in the development of a mathematical model of an unmanned aircraft AIP Conference Proceedings
2023 .- Vol. 2833 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 020008
Статья в журнале Naumov I. S.
Vykhovanets V. S. МГТУ
Using syntactic text analysis to estimate educational tasks' difficulty and complexity Automation and Remote Control
2016 .- Vol. 77 , No 1 .- С. 159 - 178
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