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Тип публикации Авторы Заглавие Издание, год, номер, страницы
Материал конференции Tumor S. V. МГТУ
Poleshchuk O. M. МГТУ
The Analysis of Student Performance During Face-to-Face and Distance Learning Under Z-Information Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2022 .- Vol. 857 LNEE .- С. 393 - 402
Материал конференции Fedorenko Y. МГТУ
Gapanyuk Yu. E. МГТУ
Minakova S. V. МГТУ
The analysis of regularization in deep neural networks using metagraph approach Studies in Computational Intelligence
2018 .- Vol. 736 .- С. 3 - 8
Материал конференции Vargashkin V. Ya. МГТУ
The analysis of frequency-independent jumps of CMB according to the Planck data Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2018 .- Vol. 1051 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012037
Статья в журнале Vargashkin V. Ya. МГТУ
The analysis of frequency-independent jumps of CMB according to the Planck data Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2018 .- Vol. 1051 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012027
Материал конференции Bolnokin V. E
Eroshok I. D. МГТУ
Mutin D. I.
Hai Duong Minh
The algorithms of designing of the multi-functional complexes spatial allocation AIP Conference Proceedings
2021 .- Vol. 2402 .- Art.no 040006
Статья в журнале Marchevskii I. K. МГТУ
Shcheglov G. A. МГТУ
The algorithm of the vortex sheet intensity determining in 3D incompressible flow simulation around a body Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations
2020 .- Vol. 12 , Issue 4 .- С. 464 - 473
Материал конференции Gumirova A.
Marchevsky I. K. МГТУ
Safronov Y. A. МГТУ
The Algorithm of the Path Length Optimization on the Polyhedron Surface Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
2023 Спец.выпуск Advanced Problem in Mechanics III .- С. 55 - 68
Материал конференции Antonyan A. МГТУ
Zhileykin M. M. МГТУ
Eranosyan A. МГТУ
The algorithm of diagnosing the development of a skid when driving a two-axle vehicle IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
2020 .- Vol. 820 , Issue 1 : Design Technologies for Wheeled and Tracked Vehicles (MMBC) 2019 1-2 October 2019, Moscow, Russian Federation .- Art.no 012003
Материал конференции Bibin V. МГТУ
Ibrayev R.
Kaurkin M.
The algorithm for transferring a large number of radionuclide particles in a parallel model of ocean hydrodynamics Communications in Computer and Information Science
2019 .- Vol. 965 .- С. 159 - 170
Статья в журнале Chen D.
Neusypin K. A. МГТУ
Zhang X.
Wang C.
The Advanced Algorithmic Method for Navigation System Correction of Spacecraft Mathematical Problems in Engineering
2019 .- Vol. 2019 .- Art.no 8681418
Статья в журнале Belinskaya J. S. МГТУ
Dmitriev M.
Makarov D.
The admissible control correction method in a nonlinear terminal perturbed problem Applied Sciences (Switzerland)
2021 .- Vol. 11 , Issue 12 .- Art.no 5560
Статья в журнале Kuzenov V. V. МГТУ
Ryzhkov S. V. МГТУ
Varaksin A. Yu. МГТУ
The Adaptive Composite Block-Structured Grid Calculation of the Gas-Dynamic Characteristics of an Aircraft Moving in a Gas Environment Mathematics
2022 .- Vol. 10 , Issue 12 .- Art.no 2130
Статья в журнале Dolganova I. N. МГТУ
Zaytsev K. I. МГТУ
Metelkina A. A. МГТУ
Yurchenko S. O. МГТУ
The active-passive continuous-wave terahertz imaging system Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2016 .- Vol. 735 , No 1 .- Art.no 012075
Материал конференции Petrov A.
Rumyantseva V. A. МГТУ
The acoustic waves propagation in a cylindrical waveguide with the laminar flow MATEC Web of Conferences
2018 .- Vol. 211 .- С. 1 - 6 .- Art.no 04005
Статья в журнале Kryuchkov I. V. МГТУ
Slukin G. P. МГТУ
Chapurskii V. V. МГТУ
The accuracy of coordinate measurements in multistatic radar systems with complex consideration for primary measurement errors due to noise, atmospheric fluctuations, and uncertainty in position topo binding Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics
2016 .- Vol. 61 , Issue 11 .- С. 1245 - 1251
Материал конференции Guznenkov V. N. МГТУ
Zhurbenko P. A. МГТУ
The Academic Discipline 'Computer Graphics' for the Open Education System 2018 4th International Conference on Information Technologies in Engineering Education, Inforino 2018 - Proceedings
2018 .- Art.no 8581738
Статья в журнале Gladysheva Y. V. МГТУ
Zhivotovskii I. V. МГТУ
Denisov D. G. МГТУ
Baryshnikov N. V. МГТУ
Karasik V. E. МГТУ
Rees P.
The absolute calibration of high-precision optical flats across a wide range of spatial frequencies Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2015 .- Vol. 584 .- Art.no 012020
Статья в журнале Neklyudov A. V. МГТУ
The absence of global solutions of a fourth-order gauss type equation Siberian Mathematical Journal
2024 .- Vol. 65 , Issue 4 .- С. 943 - 948
Материал конференции Danilov V. A.
Odinokov S. B. МГТУ
The 75th anniversary of professor Grigory Isaevich Greisukh Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2019 .- Vol. 1368 , Issue 2 .- Art.no 022079
Статья в журнале Клюев В. В.
Артемьев Борис Викторович МГТУ
Зусман Г. В.
Иванов В. И.
Матвеев В. И.
Туробов Б. В.
Шевалдыкин В. Г.
The 21st All-Russian Conference on NDT and TD Контроль. Диагностика
2017 .- № 6 .- С. 4 - 25
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