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Тип публикации Авторы Заглавие Издание, год, номер, страницы
Статья в журнале Deev I. S.
Kobets L. P. МГТУ
Study of the microstructure and specifics of destruction of epoxide matrices Polymer Science. Series D
2014 .- Vol. 7 , Issue 1 .- С. 49 - 56
Материал конференции Serebrenniy V. V. МГТУ
Lapin D. V. МГТУ
Lapina A. A. МГТУ
Study of the Mechanisms of Perspective Flexible Manufacturing System for a Newly Forming Robotic Enterprise Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
2020 .- Vol. 1127 AISC .- С. 427 - 436
Материал конференции Orekhov S. A.
Anastasov M. S.
Muratova N. K.
Sokolova A. G.
Ivanov P. D. МГТУ
Study of the mechanism of venture investment with the purpose of augmentation of high-tech sectors of the Russian economy Proceedings of the 33rd International Business Information Management Association Conference
2019 .- С. 6481 - 6488
Статья в журнале Elinson V. M.
Shchur P. A.
Kirillov D. V. МГТУ
Lyamin A. N.
Silnitskaya O. A.
Study of the Mechanical Characteristics of Single-Layer and Multilayer Nanostructures Based on Carbon and Fluorocarbon Coatings Journal of Surface Investigation
2018 .- Vol. 12 , Issue 2 .- С. 357 - 360
Статья в журнале Shchedrin A. V. МГТУ
Ignatkin I. Yu. МГТУ
Chikhacheva N. Yu.
Study of the machinability of holes in cemented alloy steel workpieces using combined mandrelling Steel in Translation
2024 .- Vol. 54 , Issue 1 .- С. 24 - 31
Материал конференции Bunkin N. F. МГТУ
Bashkina U. A. МГТУ
Bolikov N. G. МГТУ
Bereza I. S. МГТУ
Molchanov I. I. МГТУ
Kozlov V. A. МГТУ
Study of the luminescence from polymeric membrane swollen in water with various content of deuterium; Isotopic effects Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2019 .- Vol. 1348 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012030
Статья в журнале Kosenko E. A.
Nelyub V. A. МГТУ
Baurova N. I.
Study of the Kinetics of the Interaction Process of Material of “Liquid” Phase and Epoxy Binder Polymer Science. Series D
2023 .- Vol. 16 , Issue 4 .- С. 924 - 927
Статья в журнале Kurikhina T. V. МГТУ
Study of the initial stages of formation of Ni3Al phase formation during decomposition of supersaturated solution of nickel alloy Inorganic Materials: Applied Research
2015 .- Vol. 6 , Issue 4 .- С. 279 - 282
Статья в журнале Kukartsev V. A.
Kukartsev V. V. МГТУ
Tynchenko V. S. МГТУ
Kurashkin S. O. МГТУ
Sergienko R. B.
Tynchenko S. V.
Panfilov I. A.
Panfilova T. A.
Study of the Influence of the Thermal Capacity of the Lining of Acid Melting Furnaces on Their Efficiency Metals
2023 .- Vol. 13 , Issue 2 .- С. - .- Art.no 337
Статья в журнале Savrasov G. V. МГТУ
Sayfutdinova M. S. МГТУ
Makirov S. K.
Makirov T. R.
Study of the influence of the installation angle of the pedicular screw on its resistance to axial traction Биомедицинская радиоэлектроника
Материал конференции Sinitsyna A. МГТУ
Borisov B. МГТУ
Gavryushina O. S. МГТУ
Study of the influence of the design parameters of the wet end of the gear pump on the force factors, acting in the gear pump with external gearing, using the software package MATLAB 2018a IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering
2019 .- Vol. 492 , Issue 1 .- Art.no 012007
Статья в журнале Galiev G. B.
Pushkarev S. S.
Vasil'evskii I. S.
Zhigalina O. M. МГТУ
Klimov E. A.
Zhigalina V. G.
Imamov R. M.
Study of the influence of strained superlattices introduced into a metamorphic buffer on the electrophysical properties and the atomic structure of InAlAs/InGaAs MHEMT heterostructures Semiconductors
2013 .- Vol. 47 , Issue 4 .- С. 532 - 537
Статья в журнале Buznik V. M.
Goncharova G. Yu. МГТУ
Grinevich D. V.
Nuzhnyi G. A.
Razomasov N. D.
Turalin D. O. МГТУ
Study of the influence of fillers on the impact strength of composite materials with an ice matrix Inorganic Materials: Applied Research
2024 .- Vol. 15 , Issue 1 .- С. 90 - 98
Статья в журнале Burtsev S. A. МГТУ
Leontiev A. I. МГТУ
Study of the influence of dissipative effects on the temperature stratification in gas flows (Review) High Temperature
2014 .- Vol. 52 , Issue 2 .- С. 297 - 307
Материал конференции Romanova I. K. МГТУ
Study of the influence of deformations and asymmetry on aircraft movement parameters AIP Conference Proceedings
Статья в журнале Toktaliev P. D.
Kazanskii P. N.
Moralev I. A.
Semenyov P. A. МГТУ
Martynenko S. I. МГТУ
Study of the influence of current pulse parameters on kinematic and energy characteristics of a plasma actuator based on a moving electric arc International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
2023 .- Vol. 201 .- Art.no 123661
Материал конференции Ksenofontov B. S. МГТУ
Titov K. V. МГТУ
Bondarenko A. V. МГТУ
Study of the hydrodynamic modes of ejectors for flotation water treatment at space industry enterprises AIP Conference Proceedings
2021 .- Vol. 2318 .- Art.no 150030
Статья в журнале Tsygankov P. A. МГТУ
Skriabin A. S. МГТУ
Loktionov E. Yu. МГТУ
Kuvaev K. Yu. МГТУ
Chelmodeev R. I. МГТУ
Study of the generation of a weakly ionized medium for spraying of biocompatible coatings by two-stage pulsed plasma set Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2017 .- Vol. 830 , Issue 1 .- С. 012107 .- Art.no 012107
Статья в журнале Sevidov A. E. МГТУ
Muntin A. V. МГТУ
Rumyantsev A. V.
Study of the friction coefficient during the steady-state process of continuous hot rolling of steel strips in conditions of the 1950 industrial mill Черные металлы (Chernye Metally)
2021 .- Vol. 2021 , Issue 9 .- С. 29 - 35
Статья в журнале Naumenko V. V.
Bagmet O. A.
Muntin A. V. МГТУ
Study of the Effect of Microalloying on Microstructure and Mechanical Property Formation for Rolled Product of Strength Class K52 Produced Under CRU Conditions Metallurgist
2020 .- Vol. 64 , Issue 7-8 .- С. 759 - 769
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