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Статья в журнале |
Malashin I. P. МГТУ
Daibagya D. S. МГТУ Tynchenko V. S. МГТУ Nelyub V. A. МГТУ Borodulin A. S. МГТУ Gantimurov A. P. МГТУ Ambrozevich S. A. МГТУ Selyukov A. S. МГТУ |
ML-Based Forecasting of Temporal Dynamics in Luminescence Spectra of Ag2S Colloidal Quantum Dots |
IEEE Access
Vol. 12
53320 - 53334
Статья в журнале |
Malashin I. P. МГТУ
Martysyuk D. МГТУ Tynchenko V. S. МГТУ Nelyub V. A. МГТУ Borodulin A. S. МГТУ Galinovsky A. L. МГТУ |
Mechanical Testing of Selective-Laser-Sintered Polyamide PA2200 Details: Analysis of Tensile Properties via Finite Element Method and Machine Learning Approaches | Polymers |
Статья в журнале |
Malashin I. P. МГТУ
Martysyuk D. A. МГТУ Tynchenko V. S. МГТУ Gantimurov A. P. МГТУ Semikolenov A. V. МГТУ Nelyub V. A. МГТУ Borodulin A. S. МГТУ |
Machine learning-based process optimization in biopolymer manufacturing: a review | Polymers |
Статья в журнале |
Malashin I. P. МГТУ
Tynchenko V. S. МГТУ Nelyub V. A. МГТУ Borodulin A. S. МГТУ |
Estimation and Prediction of the Polymers’ Physical Characteristics Using the Machine Learning Models | Polymers |
Статья в журнале |
Malashin I. P. МГТУ
Tynchenko V. S. МГТУ Gantimurov A. P. МГТУ Neluyb V. A. МГТУ Borodulin A. S. МГТУ |
Detecting of Robotic Imitation of Human on-the-Website Activity With Advanced Vector Analysis and Fractional Derivatives |
IEEE Access
Vol. 12
56707 - 56718
Статья в журнале |
Malashin I. P. МГТУ
Tynchenko V. S. МГТУ Nelyub V. A. МГТУ Borodulin A. S. МГТУ Gantimurov A. P. МГТУ Krysko N. V. МГТУ Shchipakov N. A. МГТУ Kozlov D. M. МГТУ Kusyy A. G. МГТУ Martysyuk D. МГТУ Galinovsky A. L. МГТУ |
Deep Learning Approach for Pitting Corrosion Detection in Gas Pipelines | Sensors |
Статья в журнале |
Malashin I. P. МГТУ
Tynchenko V. S. МГТУ Martysyuk D. МГТУ Shchipakov N. A. МГТУ Krysko N. V. МГТУ Degtyarev M. N. Nelyub V. A. МГТУ Gantimurov A. P. МГТУ Borodulin A. S. МГТУ Galinovsky A. L. МГТУ |
Assessment of anisotropic acoustic properties in additively manufactured materials: experimental, computational, and deep learning approaches | Sensors |
Статья в журнале |
Malashin I. P. МГТУ
Tynchenko V. S. МГТУ Gantimurov A. P. МГТУ Nelyub V. A. МГТУ Borodulin A. S. МГТУ |
Applications of Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Networks in Polymeric Sciences: A Review | Polymers |
Статья в журнале |
Malashin I. P. МГТУ
Tynchenko V. S. МГТУ Gantimurov A. P. МГТУ Nelyub V. A. МГТУ Borodulin A. S. МГТУ |
A multi-objective optimization of neural networks for predicting the physical properties of textile polymer composite materials | Polymers |
Статья в журнале |
Makeeva A. A.
Shumilkin A. S. Ryzhkova A. S. МГТУ Vernaya O. I. МГТУ Shabatin A. V. Semenov A. M. Shabatina T. I. МГТУ |
Biopolymer Controlled Release Systems Based on Hydrolyzed Collagen: Cryoforming, Structure, and Properties |
Moscow University Chemistry Bulletin
Vol. 79
No 3
175 - 181
Материал конференции |
Lyuminarskaya E. S. МГТУ
Lyuminarsky S. E. МГТУ Lyuminarsky I. E. МГТУ |
Mathematical Model to Define Electric Capacity of Transient Region of Electrical Contacts |
Proceedings - 2024 International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Applications and Manufacturing, ICIEAM 2024
403 - 407
Статья в журнале |
Lychev S. A. МГТУ
Koifman K. G. МГТУ Pivovaroff N. A. |
Configurations and deformations in relativistic elasticity | Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics |
Статья в журнале |
Lyalyakin V. P. МГТУ
Slinko D. B. МГТУ |
Wear resistance and surface hardness of diesel crankshaft journals | Russian Engineering Research |
Статья в журнале |
Lunkov A. A. МГТУ
Shermeneva M. A. |
Estimation of the distance to a local inhomogeneity on an acoustic path in shallow water in the presence of background disturbances | Acoustical Physics |
Статья в журнале |
Lukiyanchuk I. V.
Tarkhanova I. G. МГТУ Vasilyeva M. S. Yarovaya T. P. Ustinov A. Yu. Vyaliy I. E. Kuryavyi V. G. |
Plasma electrolytic formation of TiO2-VOx-MoOy-P2O5 coatings on titanium and their application as catalysts for the oxidation of S- and N-containing substances |
Materials Chemistry and Physics
Vol. 311
.- Art.no 128520
Статья в журнале |
Lugovsky A. Yu.
Lukin V. V. МГТУ |
About the influence of accounting for the energy equation on the formation model of a large-scale vortical flow in the accreting envelope of a protostar | Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations |
Статья в журнале |
Lomakina G. Yu. МГТУ
Kaminskaya S. S. МГТУ Ugarova N. N. |
A Bioluminescent Test System Based on Recombinant L. mingrelica Firefly Luciferase as a Means of Investigating the Efficacy of the Gentamicin Effect on Live E. coli Cells | Biophysics (Russian Federation) |
Материал конференции |
Loktev D. A. МГТУ
Loktev A. A. Illarionova L. A. |
Stabilization of a Dynamic Video Stream Taking Into Account Vehicle Movement Characteristics |
Proceedings of the 2024 6th International Youth Conference on Radio Electronics, Electrical and Power Engineering, REEPE 2024,
Статья в журнале |
Logunov A. V.
Mikhailov A. M. Rumyantseva S. B. МГТУ |
Determination of the temperature–time parameters of refractory element dissolution in a melt for improving the technology of vacuum induction melting of nickel superalloys using a set of master alloys | Russian Metallurgy (Metally) |
Статья в журнале |
Liu Y.
Hu Y. Shen K. Qiu J. Neusypin K. A. МГТУ |
Integral reinforcement learning-based angular acceleration autopilot for high dynamic flight vehicles |
Applied Soft Computing
Vol. 158
.- Art.no 111582